my mother just told me that depression runs rampant on both sides of my family, she waits until now to tell me this?
two suicides, several attempted, the majority have died from alchohol related deaths, or are recovered alchoholics. fuck, this would have explained so much.
with any luck, maybe now i can get some fucking drugs.
sometimes, if feels like life is utterly pointless.
two suicides, several attempted, the majority have died from alchohol related deaths, or are recovered alchoholics. fuck, this would have explained so much.
with any luck, maybe now i can get some fucking drugs.
sometimes, if feels like life is utterly pointless.
1.) vitamin B12- most vegans have a hard time getting this vitamin because it doesn't naturally occur too often in nature. meat eaters get it in meat because B12 is mixed into feed by farmers. it's important for nervous system health. you can get a vegan supplement or get it in food via nutrional yeast, fortified cereal and soymilk. people notice results quickly after adding the appropriate amount to their diet.
2.) Iron- most women are somewhat deficient in iron, veggie or otherwise. taking a supplement may be benificial or eat more dark leafy greens (as we all should.
3.) Calcium- for bones and muscle health. this one is a no brainer. vegans actually have it easier because our diet is conducive to calcium absorption in that when it enters our body it isn't leeched out by animal protein. we just have to try harder to get it.
personally, i take a multivitamin, a b12 supplement, and a calcium/magnesium supplement. im probably going overboard, but i think that a daily vitamin is important. drop me a line under my journal if you have anymore questions.
[Edited on Aug 04, 2005 7:01PM]