Fuck, I really need to be more proactive with this blogging thing...
Blah ARRR!!!
The Tom Waits set is on at the moment. Words cant describe how good this set is. Jesus I wish I could see that man live.

Thanks man..it went great. Tom Waits rules!! smile
Phew, I just finished listening to the Placebo set from the JJJ Impossible Music Festival. Wow! I am really hanging out for Tom Waits!
The coolest thing to hit Australian radio. Ever. So cool it hurts me to even think about it! biggrin
Ok, so Im going to give this journal thing a bit of a go:

At the moment, I am super tired cos my best mate and I thought it would be great fun to watch the entire second season of 24 at once - even though we didnt have the final DVD. So went to his place after work and we started watching at about...
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You have an excellent way with words!

I have a remarkable talent to misplace people comments, so I only found this today. Thank you very much, I adore being told that. Flattery will get you everywhere.

I've got another piece floating through my journal as we speak, if you'd care to have a look.

[Edited on Aug 07, 2005 4:47PM]

One day I will be good at this journal business... oink
well this is a good start anyway mate biggrin
Too busy to do anything of any updatery value!
Anyone who lives in Brisbane, come and checck out my show at the Cremorne Theatre at QPAC, Southbank from the 8th till the 18th of June - ASSASSINS.

Its cheap as shit and will be an amazing show - especially the lighting!

There was a time when I used to spend hours and hours a day on the net, blogging and browsing and causing mischef. Not any more though! Im working way too damn hard... But I love it. Except the lack of recreational internet time and general computer geekiness.

Bah, Im taking time off soon, maybe then I will be able to actually get into...
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it's good to see you making the effort mate, so will you be coming to the next hookup, be good to see you there.
why not come and join us at SGAU
Too busy to update frown
bummer, are you gunna be too busy to come to the next hookup, hope not biggrin