What. A. Weekend.
I had a flight from San Francisco to LA scheduled for Friday night, 9:30 departure. At 4pm I checked the Southwest website for updated arrival info (flying between these two cities so often has taught me that Southwest pretty much only leaves on time if it's the first flight of the day). Flight delayed until 2:15am. Fuck.
I got customer service on the phone, and they told me to go to the airport - they couldn't move me to an earlier flight because, even though seats were available, the flights were supposed to have left already. I arrived at the airport at around 7 to find approximately 4 zillion people standing in line at the Southwest counter, including a news reporter interviewing people about the lines. *sigh*
I finally got to the counter, and they told me they only had room on standby lists (of course), and that I should go through security on my confirmed flight and get put on standby on the other side. Each Southwest counter had a line of about 40 people leading up to a single employee, and each line moved painfully slowly. Around 9:30, I was finally on standby and my confirmed flight wasn't expected to leave until 3am. I went and sat near the gate for the next plane to LA and tried to keep myself occupied. The terminal was packed sickeningly full of people.
One person from the standby list got on the flight to LA leaving at 10:30. I decided to wander around a bit, and in doing so I noticed that my confirmed flight was no longer on the boards. Yep, cancelled. Back in line for another hour - they upgraded two of the other planes to LA and got us on to those flights, which both left at about 1:30am.
What I have neglected to mention thus far is that I was supposed to be meeting Lorelei Saturday, at 11am, in Joshua Tree (2 hours away), all prepped to do a shoot...but I wouldn't even be getting to LA until 3!
So in the midst of the airport craziness I was texting back and forth with her, trying to figure out if we'd be able to shoot later in the day, or Sunday, or whatever - just so I wouldn't be a total zombie. (I'm the sort of person who can't function well with less than 7 hours of sleep.)
After a bit of restless sleep, I got in touch with her Saturday morning. I thought we'd shoot at a location I had available in Palm Springs, but alas it wasn't really available. So we considered shooting later in the day, but that didn't really seem like a feasible option, either. But, ultimately, Lorelei managed to pull something out of her hat so that we could shoot (really early) Sunday morning.
Trillance and I headed out that direction Saturday night (braving the weather, and worse - the southern California drivers that never drive in any kind of inclement weather) and ended up meeting Psyche for a delicious sushi dinner at Oishii in Riverside. Psyche is even more gorgeous than she looks in her sets (how is that even possible?!) and an absolute sweetheart... with lots of brains to boot. It was so great to meet her.

I didn't manage to get to bed until around 11:30 or so Saturday night, and had to get up around 5 to get ready. I kind of didn't sleep much anyway, except 20-minute bouts here and there, because I was too nervous/excited for my impending shoot with Lorelei.
Lorelei is just amazing, and I had such a good time shooting with her. I was a little nervous/intimidated because I've really only ever modeled for Trillance and I felt quite unsure of myself. Besides that, I was basically running on adrenaline - so my concentration and ability to think coherently were kind of limited.
But Lorelei made me feel really comfortable and overall it was a really great experience. With a little more sleep (and a little less social anxiety) I could have probably been a little more "into my own" and been a bit better for the shoot. But it was early. 

Immediately after we finished shooting, Trillance and I had to rush back to LA because we had planned to meet Rambo for brunch (originally thinking I'd be shooting on Saturday, of course.) The weather was still pretty crazy - the desert was really fogged in....
(This is a picture of windmills.)

...but we made it on time. Rambo, despite being super busy and not feeling particularly well that morning, still drove through pouring rain to meet up with us at Malo for a wonderfully delicious (and much anticipated) brunch. Having finally made it through everything I had to do that weekend, though, the adrenaline that had been keeping me going crashed out about halfway through the meal and I felt pretty nearly dead.
Poor Rambo! But truly, she is one amazing lady. I was a little star struck to meet her!
(Unfortunately, I forgot to get a picture...doh!)
Later that evening, even though we had taken a bit of a nap, Trillance and I decided we were too tired to do much of anything, but we didn't want to just sit around at home, so we went out to see Tangled. And I fell in love with Pascal:

I was up at 4:00 this morning to catch my flight back to SF...then straight off to work for the whole day. The weekend felt so hectic and crazy, I was running on so little sleep and so much excitement. I look back on it now and everything about the weekend seems really hazy - almost dream-like.
Good thing I remembered to take at least a couple pictures...
I had a flight from San Francisco to LA scheduled for Friday night, 9:30 departure. At 4pm I checked the Southwest website for updated arrival info (flying between these two cities so often has taught me that Southwest pretty much only leaves on time if it's the first flight of the day). Flight delayed until 2:15am. Fuck.

I finally got to the counter, and they told me they only had room on standby lists (of course), and that I should go through security on my confirmed flight and get put on standby on the other side. Each Southwest counter had a line of about 40 people leading up to a single employee, and each line moved painfully slowly. Around 9:30, I was finally on standby and my confirmed flight wasn't expected to leave until 3am. I went and sat near the gate for the next plane to LA and tried to keep myself occupied. The terminal was packed sickeningly full of people.

One person from the standby list got on the flight to LA leaving at 10:30. I decided to wander around a bit, and in doing so I noticed that my confirmed flight was no longer on the boards. Yep, cancelled. Back in line for another hour - they upgraded two of the other planes to LA and got us on to those flights, which both left at about 1:30am.
What I have neglected to mention thus far is that I was supposed to be meeting Lorelei Saturday, at 11am, in Joshua Tree (2 hours away), all prepped to do a shoot...but I wouldn't even be getting to LA until 3!

After a bit of restless sleep, I got in touch with her Saturday morning. I thought we'd shoot at a location I had available in Palm Springs, but alas it wasn't really available. So we considered shooting later in the day, but that didn't really seem like a feasible option, either. But, ultimately, Lorelei managed to pull something out of her hat so that we could shoot (really early) Sunday morning.

Trillance and I headed out that direction Saturday night (braving the weather, and worse - the southern California drivers that never drive in any kind of inclement weather) and ended up meeting Psyche for a delicious sushi dinner at Oishii in Riverside. Psyche is even more gorgeous than she looks in her sets (how is that even possible?!) and an absolute sweetheart... with lots of brains to boot. It was so great to meet her.

I didn't manage to get to bed until around 11:30 or so Saturday night, and had to get up around 5 to get ready. I kind of didn't sleep much anyway, except 20-minute bouts here and there, because I was too nervous/excited for my impending shoot with Lorelei.

Lorelei is just amazing, and I had such a good time shooting with her. I was a little nervous/intimidated because I've really only ever modeled for Trillance and I felt quite unsure of myself. Besides that, I was basically running on adrenaline - so my concentration and ability to think coherently were kind of limited.

Immediately after we finished shooting, Trillance and I had to rush back to LA because we had planned to meet Rambo for brunch (originally thinking I'd be shooting on Saturday, of course.) The weather was still pretty crazy - the desert was really fogged in....
(This is a picture of windmills.)

...but we made it on time. Rambo, despite being super busy and not feeling particularly well that morning, still drove through pouring rain to meet up with us at Malo for a wonderfully delicious (and much anticipated) brunch. Having finally made it through everything I had to do that weekend, though, the adrenaline that had been keeping me going crashed out about halfway through the meal and I felt pretty nearly dead.

Later that evening, even though we had taken a bit of a nap, Trillance and I decided we were too tired to do much of anything, but we didn't want to just sit around at home, so we went out to see Tangled. And I fell in love with Pascal:

I was up at 4:00 this morning to catch my flight back to SF...then straight off to work for the whole day. The weekend felt so hectic and crazy, I was running on so little sleep and so much excitement. I look back on it now and everything about the weekend seems really hazy - almost dream-like.

Good thing I remembered to take at least a couple pictures...