Holy shit. It's been over a month since I've done anything on SG.
Well...obviously, I am still alive. So, time for updates!
Most of the reason I've been MIA is that I haven't had consistent internet access for a little over a month. I was dog/house-sitting for a friend of mine for three weeks while she was galavanting about Europe and her internet was basically shit.
Then, pretty much as soon as I was done with that, I had to pack up all my crap and move out of my old place. Apparently, one accumulates a lot 'o stuff in the course of three years. I had more than I realized, and plenty that I had forgotten about in the back of the closet somewhere!
On top of that, things have been stupid busy at work lately, so I've been working long hours. I love my job and I have the awesomest boss in the universe, but still...
I am just finishing up my composition class, but I started this really intense microbiology course that is consuming my life. Soon I will start another composition class. At the end of this month I am taking the GRE and hopefully early next month I'll be taking a certification exam...
I've had to deal with the excitement and the work involved with moving to a new apartment. Getting all situated in my new place and just getting everything switched over. I'm still only about halfway through that whole process. It's really bittersweet for me, because I'm so happy to be out of the old place, and I really like the new one. But at the same time, I know it means that in just a month or so Trillance and I are embarking on a year-long distance relationship..this after almost years of living together. BUT anyway, here are some pix of my new place...
I am eventually going to be making some origami flower shadowbox frame awesomeness to hang above the futon...
Yes, this is patio furniture. We had it out on the balcony in our old place...
Annnnnd..... I am nearly ready to submit the latest set that y'all heard about a while back. I would have had it done earlier, but unfortunately the laptop I was using to do the work DIED (just my luck) and I had to wait until we were all moved before we could extract the data from that hard drive. Anyway, I'm getting through the editing work now and I'm really excited about it - I'm so happy with how it turned out.

Can't wait to share!
So, I've pretty much been running around like a chicken with its head cut off for the last month or so. I'm exhausted but happy that I'm getting things (ever-so-slowly) crossed off my to-do list. I promise I will reply to those messages that have been waiting in my inbox forever. I love you guys, I haven't forgotten about you! And to myself I make this promise: take the time every day for the awesome world of SG (duh! Boobies!
Ok, I better get some sleep now.
Love you all!!!

Well...obviously, I am still alive. So, time for updates!
Most of the reason I've been MIA is that I haven't had consistent internet access for a little over a month. I was dog/house-sitting for a friend of mine for three weeks while she was galavanting about Europe and her internet was basically shit.
Then, pretty much as soon as I was done with that, I had to pack up all my crap and move out of my old place. Apparently, one accumulates a lot 'o stuff in the course of three years. I had more than I realized, and plenty that I had forgotten about in the back of the closet somewhere!
On top of that, things have been stupid busy at work lately, so I've been working long hours. I love my job and I have the awesomest boss in the universe, but still...
I am just finishing up my composition class, but I started this really intense microbiology course that is consuming my life. Soon I will start another composition class. At the end of this month I am taking the GRE and hopefully early next month I'll be taking a certification exam...
I've had to deal with the excitement and the work involved with moving to a new apartment. Getting all situated in my new place and just getting everything switched over. I'm still only about halfway through that whole process. It's really bittersweet for me, because I'm so happy to be out of the old place, and I really like the new one. But at the same time, I know it means that in just a month or so Trillance and I are embarking on a year-long distance relationship..this after almost years of living together. BUT anyway, here are some pix of my new place...
I am eventually going to be making some origami flower shadowbox frame awesomeness to hang above the futon...

Yes, this is patio furniture. We had it out on the balcony in our old place...

Annnnnd..... I am nearly ready to submit the latest set that y'all heard about a while back. I would have had it done earlier, but unfortunately the laptop I was using to do the work DIED (just my luck) and I had to wait until we were all moved before we could extract the data from that hard drive. Anyway, I'm getting through the editing work now and I'm really excited about it - I'm so happy with how it turned out.

So, I've pretty much been running around like a chicken with its head cut off for the last month or so. I'm exhausted but happy that I'm getting things (ever-so-slowly) crossed off my to-do list. I promise I will reply to those messages that have been waiting in my inbox forever. I love you guys, I haven't forgotten about you! And to myself I make this promise: take the time every day for the awesome world of SG (duh! Boobies!

Ok, I better get some sleep now.
Love you all!!!

i know exactly what you mean about accumulating stuff. I've been doing it every year for the past 6 years ever since I moved to Guelph... I am moving again soon and I am pretty sure that whole process of organizing things never really gets finished... hahaha... can't wait to see the new set! 

thank you very much for comment on my set