Hello SG World!
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. You ladies rock. Seriously.
I was talking to my mom today, and when I got off the phone I was thinking of how much I miss her. My parents are in Ohio, where I grew up, and I'm in California. I haven't seen my parents in person since August.

I really wish I could spend some time with them again soon, especially since my mom has been dealing with her breast cancer...but it'll be a while before we get to see each other.
I haven't spent much time on SG in the last couple of weeks. For some reason I've been feeling kind of misanthropic and technophobic (Luddistic?). Hm.
Well, I don't really think any of those is quite the right word because the sentiment is not that extreme, but you get the idea, anyway... I think I'm worried about the upcoming craziness and significant life changes and that stress is causing me to withdraw a bit.
But, I'm making an effort to rebel against that instinct so I'm back now!
The weather has been so gorgeous here the last week or so. It's been warm and the sun has been shining which makes me feel very happy!
I'm really enjoying my daily lunch break walks with my friend... about 4 miles around the marina... it's such a nice respite from the work day and it's a great way for the two of us to catch up and also just re-energize a bit in the middle of the day.
Yesterday Trillance and I drove around the peninsula for hours, cruising through the neighborhoods of various cities to get a feel for them. My lease is up in June and I desperately want to move somewhere that's more convenient for me in terms of getting to work. The purpose of yesterday was to figure out what cities and what particular neighborhoods I wanted to concentrate my apartment hunting efforts in. The whole task seems daunting at the moment, but at the same time I'm really excited about getting a new place.
So, other than that... I think Trillance and I are going to be able to do a couple of shoots in the next few weeks, so I'm super stoked about that.

I have a couple ideas that I'm really looking forward to working on, and I definitely want to get more sets submitted! (We gotta make it happen this time - I wanna go pink!
Also, I'm going to Kaboom on the 22nd to see Melissa Etheridge and the John Butler Trio. It should be fun. I love Melissa, I think her throaty voice is soooo sexy.
And, damn...I really need to get some more ink!! Gah! What have I been waiting for?!
That's all for now, lovelies. Keep rockin' it.
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. You ladies rock. Seriously.

I was talking to my mom today, and when I got off the phone I was thinking of how much I miss her. My parents are in Ohio, where I grew up, and I'm in California. I haven't seen my parents in person since August.

I haven't spent much time on SG in the last couple of weeks. For some reason I've been feeling kind of misanthropic and technophobic (Luddistic?). Hm.

But, I'm making an effort to rebel against that instinct so I'm back now!

The weather has been so gorgeous here the last week or so. It's been warm and the sun has been shining which makes me feel very happy!

Yesterday Trillance and I drove around the peninsula for hours, cruising through the neighborhoods of various cities to get a feel for them. My lease is up in June and I desperately want to move somewhere that's more convenient for me in terms of getting to work. The purpose of yesterday was to figure out what cities and what particular neighborhoods I wanted to concentrate my apartment hunting efforts in. The whole task seems daunting at the moment, but at the same time I'm really excited about getting a new place.

So, other than that... I think Trillance and I are going to be able to do a couple of shoots in the next few weeks, so I'm super stoked about that.

Also, I'm going to Kaboom on the 22nd to see Melissa Etheridge and the John Butler Trio. It should be fun. I love Melissa, I think her throaty voice is soooo sexy.

And, damn...I really need to get some more ink!! Gah! What have I been waiting for?!

That's all for now, lovelies. Keep rockin' it.

good luck with finding a new place!