This is me. At work. Hanging out in the door to my boss' office. My boss took the picture. He's awesome.
He's actually become one of my best friends, which makes for a pretty interesting relationship, but it's well worth it. I get to have lots of entertaining conversations with him.
Yesterday, talking about something he's extremely averse to:
Him: "Well, at least they don't make your boys want to crawl up inside you."
Me: "But, I don't have boys that wanna crawl inside me...."
Him: (looking at me askance) "Uh huh..... I would strenuously argue that point."
Me: "But...!.... Oh..."
At which point my face turns red, and I try to pull the hood of my raincoat over my head so I can hide. And somehow I fail horribly. So there he is laughing at me, and there I am wondering how strenuously he'd argue with me, what lengths he'd go to to prove it.

He's actually become one of my best friends, which makes for a pretty interesting relationship, but it's well worth it. I get to have lots of entertaining conversations with him.
Yesterday, talking about something he's extremely averse to:
Him: "Well, at least they don't make your boys want to crawl up inside you."
Me: "But, I don't have boys that wanna crawl inside me...."
Him: (looking at me askance) "Uh huh..... I would strenuously argue that point."
Me: "But...!.... Oh..."
At which point my face turns red, and I try to pull the hood of my raincoat over my head so I can hide. And somehow I fail horribly. So there he is laughing at me, and there I am wondering how strenuously he'd argue with me, what lengths he'd go to to prove it.

wow thats weird! but at least u get some laughs!
ooo! sounds like somebody could be having a bit too much fun at work