The kitten and Zoom (my older kitty) are doing well, though. It's really cute to watch them chase each other around and pounce on each other. Mostly it's playful, but they still haven't quite worked out which one is boss so it can get a little aggressive sometimes. But it's mostly a lot of show...hissing and meowing.

I haven't come up with a name for him yet. The adoption lady named him Clark, which is cute but...I dunno....I think I want to change it. Any suggestions??
Anyway, tonight ends my dogsitting of the Goldendoodle...which I have to say is kind of a good thing. That dog is SOOOOO hyper. I love him to death, he's so lovable and cute. But I still have to watch a pair of Jack Russels this evening. Those two are pretty well-trained dogs, I love 'em, but they're also pretty hyper. At least they're more obedient.
And I totally couldn't do my photoshoot this weekend.... We were going to shoot yesterday, but I ended up having some weird reaction to something... my face was all itchy and splotchy and my eyelids on my right eye swelled up. Not sexy
I can't figure out what caused it.... I'm not allergic to anything that I know of...
Anyway, now we're looking at this weekend for the shoot. We'll see! *fingers crossed*
Well I had better go...dogs to walk and such! Hope you all had a great weekend!