So I just got back to my unit in Stuttgart, and for the past three days I've been missing my luggage. Turns out the idiot at the check in counter completely ignored me telling her NOT to put me on an earlier flight, and did so. I don't find this out 'til Newark, then I found out that I "missed" my flight and my baggage claim doesn't line up. They got me back on my right flight, but the baggage didn't come in. Naturally, I'm livid. Well, they just delivered my bags this morning.. which makes me happy.
After all, nobody wants to lose over a thousand dollars worth of anything, especially not when they're uniforms you're required to maintain. Had they not found my bags, United would've had a very unpleasant phone call. Especially if they tried to say they wouldn't reimburse me. But hey. Fuck it, I got my shit back, so I'm happy.