So, the skinny:

I've moved into a place in NJ, and am in the process of furnishing it. MY first week of recruiting duty is insanity; we had some long fuckin' hours. And it won't let up soon.

Sunday is our day off, with no work obligation, unless we made an obligation. But yesterday kinda brought some results out... We had a "Poolee Function" with...
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So I let my account fall inactive, shame on me.

I'll be moving to NJ soon, for three years, on Recruiting Duty. That's the other news. Once I get in my place and get it set up, I'll be posting some pictures of my new home and such; until then, I may not be posting a whole hell of a lot.


You never realize how much shit you own until that time comes to pack it away to move. And god damn it, I have a lot of shit. Especially a lot of sentimental shit.

That being said, new barracks by next week. Can't wait to move in, 'cause everything's going to WORK. Finally. haha.

Annnd I'll have to set it up to look respectable.


So I just got back to my unit in Stuttgart, and for the past three days I've been missing my luggage. Turns out the idiot at the check in counter completely ignored me telling her NOT to put me on an earlier flight, and did so. I don't find this out 'til Newark, then I found out that I "missed" my flight and my baggage...
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I try to be more active, I fail.

Well, a post a month isn't bad right?

Graduating an 8 week course Tuesday, going back to Germany, and we'll see what happens from there. Anyone seen the Olympics? Little mad that we lost Gold/Bronze in Women's/Men's hockey respectively. But hey, can't win them all.. except that was the only part I was paying attention to. XD...
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Oh, since I can't find an edit button if there is one.. .Happy Ragnarok!

2014 - another year. One that's going to kick ass if I have anything to say on it. Forget 'bout the bullshit that's come and gone - we all were built to kick ass, and kick ass we shall.

I'm going to do all the things I have been saying I'll do for a while now. And I'm going to enjoy it, even if I...
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I keep saying I'll be more active here.

I continue to fail horribly at that. Gotta be the work hours.. ten hour days roughly, which isn't bad, and thrashing out on weekends.. man, I'm getting too old to be out until six am.

No, I'm not really. But I'm getting old to be babysitting drunk people to make sure they stay outta trouble. Most of...
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Since December, several children in North Carolina have been hit by drivers while going to or from a school bus. The numbers I've seen have been between four and seven, one of which ended in a fatality.

Now, as far as I'm concerned, this shouldn't happen ONCE. It's disgraceful - and the excuses I've seen sicken me. "I couldn't see because of the sun" was...
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Finally made the drive home, been here a week....

...can't wait to get back out there. ><

I love my family and all, don't get me wrong there. But.. they drive me nuts, and nothing goes according to plan for me when I'm around them. Ever. Plus, I'm on my way to Germany. So... I'm eager to go. And my hometown has ... jack+shit to...
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Just a minor update: In San Diego for a short period of time, then heading to NC. Going to be hard to get ahold of. Leave a message if need be!
I'm getting ready to move to Germany... I'll be stationed there for two years.

This is going to be interesting. Right now, I'm in the process of getting my stuff packed, getting the last of everything wrapped up tight and ready to go.. and then Saturday, I'm free of this unit. I'll still be in San Diego for a bit - a very short bit...
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