I feel tons better than I did. Thank goodness for hetericam getting me to the doctor to get some medicine. Or else I would be one sick sicky if I didn't have him. Hooray for boyfriends! haha. Other than that not much has been going on. I bought "Walk the Line" today, it is such a great movie. I am excited about owning it. Also Joaquin Phoenix is super hot. I also found out today that my ex-boyfriend has a girlfriend. She is about his age, so that is good. I don't think that our five year age difference was very good. He was ready to settle down and get married, I wasn't. So I am glad that he found someone because I was getting sick of all the shit talking and crap that was going on. It was getting annoying, and on the brink of stalkerish. So now I can live in peace and he concentrate on this other girl. Anyway, I better go study before I go to bed. blah! I hate studying!
my collections alot like that too. i just consider it a biography of my own life. i just haven't gotten to all the drugs/murder yet. gimme time