Wow! Okay, so I had my GRE today and that went alright. It took four hours though. Waaaaay too long. After that I went back home and sat around. Kyle,emily_m,Kevin, Scott(I think), and I went to Buffalo Wild wings. After that we (with the exception of Kevin) went to Greenville to a bar. The only problem was that the bar had closed down! I then suggested for us all to go back to the apartment and drink some of the alcohol I had received for my birthday. emily_m had a drinking game that involved penis glasses with double shots in them. I won the first time and made Kyle drink from my dick (haha) and the drink went up his nose! It was terrible and hilarious! After a few rounds of that we played another game that involved doing crazy things. Kyle was forced to take his shirt off and then his pants, he then had to dance around the apartment in his boxers. It was soooo funny! Later he had to go outside and bang a pot loudly with a spoon while yelling happy new year. I also ended up spanking emily_m. It was HOT! haha. Then I had the idea to walk over to hereticam's apartment so we could all roll it. We rolled his door and his balcony. But then hereticam and his roommate caught us! Kyle and I ran away, but the others stayed. Eventually we came back and I took pictures of hereticam discovering all the toilet paper on his door. We all walked back to our apartment after that. Kyle played with a cat toy and eventually his friend dragged him out of the apartment on his ass! Tonight was nuts!

Ooh. I want the rules/directions of that drinking game!