So, I had my birthday party last night and it was sooo much fun. A lot of people were able to make it, even with the bad weather. I got lots of alcohol for presents, which is always awesome! Kyle got my stuff to make buttery nipples. It was glorious! hereticam and I made mojitos, they were a hit. I think everyone liked them a lot. Oh, and then hereticam and some of my guy friends decided to run around the campus shirtless in the 20 degree weather. So they ran off and I was going to take a picture of them when they got back, but some of my friends arrived, so I lost interest. It turns out that on the shirtless run, my friend Kyle slipped on the ice and fell on his back. And on the run back he puked!
. I couldn't believe that! It was crazy. The rest of the night continued without anything too crazy happening. My real birthday is Tuesday and I will be the big 23, I think it will be fun . I cannot wait to see what hereticam got me!!!!

Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, crazy lady!