I had a GREAT Valentines day. hereticam and I went to a greek food place for lunch and then went to the gym. Later we went to Central Markent to get some cupcakes (kind of defeats the purpose of going to the gym, but it was Valentines day, damnnit!). We watched the season finale of the season 2 of the Sopranos. It always depresses me when Big Pussy gets whacked. Big Sad. Other than that I have been studying for the GRE and printing out notes for classes. Busy busy busy. Oh and hereticam was showing me how to play Bloodrayne the other day oh his X-Box. I am not really into video games, but this game seems pretty fun. I like it a lot. I also got a paid livejournal account, I thought I could just try it and see if I liked it. Now I have to figure out what cool features I get. If any of you are on livejournal, let me know!
The end of big pussy made me sad too.
How can the words, "whacking big pussy" possibly make anyone sad? Heehee.