This weekend was pretty awesome. On Friday I went to play racquetball with aenerb and Richard. I think we all had a pretty good time. We all ran around the court, hitting the ball as hard as we could. I hit myself with the ball after hitting it on the wall, ouch! I think we are going to try and make racquetball a regular thing, it is a great way to get exercise. Friday night was bowling. It was way fun, I didn't do too badly. I also got some classy bowling shoes that look like nursing shoes. They were $19.99 and I think they are worth every penny. After bowling hereticam and I went and watched an episode of the Sopranos and then we went to bed.
Saturday night hereticam and I went to Sushi Sopporo. We decided to have Valentines dinner early so we wouldn't have to deal with a huge crowd on actual Valentines day. I gave hereticam his presents, some Burberry cologne and a blue cashmere sweater. I am pretty awesome! haha. hereticam got me a book about sushi and season three of the Sopranos on DVD. The greatest gifts ever! I am so excited about watching season three again (I haven't seen it since it actually showed in 2002).
Sunday hereticam and I went to the museum of natural history and looked at the exhibits. I liked the dinosaur exhibit the best. Although the museum was much smaller than I remember. Of course I was a child when I went.
I am sure I am forgetting some things that happened this weekend, but I cannot remember them now. Oh well.
Saturday night hereticam and I went to Sushi Sopporo. We decided to have Valentines dinner early so we wouldn't have to deal with a huge crowd on actual Valentines day. I gave hereticam his presents, some Burberry cologne and a blue cashmere sweater. I am pretty awesome! haha. hereticam got me a book about sushi and season three of the Sopranos on DVD. The greatest gifts ever! I am so excited about watching season three again (I haven't seen it since it actually showed in 2002).
Sunday hereticam and I went to the museum of natural history and looked at the exhibits. I liked the dinosaur exhibit the best. Although the museum was much smaller than I remember. Of course I was a child when I went.
I am sure I am forgetting some things that happened this weekend, but I cannot remember them now. Oh well.

Happy V-Day