This weekend was a good one. On Friday night there was the AFS dinner. Afterward hereticam and I went over to Kevin's apartment and we had a DDR night. Emily_M and I had some fun watching the guys play and we harassed them when they were dancing by butt grabbing etc. It was hilarious. There are a ton of great pics that will be posted in my folder. After hanging out for a while, Cam and I went back to my place. The next day I went with hereticam to Canton. We had a great time! I bought a lighter and two cool pairs of sunglasses. It was also fun seeing all the weird crap people have for sale. I mean you can find all sorts of crap at this place. Of course you can also find a ton of cool stuff too. Saturday night hereticam and I went to dinner and then to see "When a Stranger Calls". It was pretty good. I think I jumped ten times and grabbed hereticam's arm really hard a lot. I was just a nervous wreck. The movie was just scary! So I think it is a good scary movie for anyone who wants to be a wreck for 2 hours. Today was spent working on my review for a test tomorrow and watching the second season of the Sopranos. And now I have to study more. blah.
I do want to try all the different olives they have tho.