Today in class I led the class discussion. We talked about proactive policing and I mentioned prostitution. Then someone said " Has anyone ever seen a hooker on Harry Hines?". I was like " YES! They are everywhere! One night I saw 15 prostitutes getting arrested by the police and they were wearing trench coats with nothing under them and flashing everyone." I think the rest of the class was alright. We talked about profiling and whether or not it is alright to randomly interrogate people in a high crime neighborhood. There were mixed views on that policing tactic. Some people said that if there are minorities that are being interrogated and they have not done anything wrong, then they are going to think they are being treated unfairly. But at the same time the interrogation technique works, the areas where interrogation has stopped has seen an increase in the crime rate. Is it worth upsetting the communities in order to stop crime? The point is that the police department cannot keep everyone happy and try and do their jobs. It is impossible. But that is just my opinion and a crapload of other people's.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 24, 2006
Today I took my last final and turned in my policy paper. Hooray for … -
Thursday Apr 20, 2006
So....I am now a Dallas Psychiatric Association employee! I am so hap… -
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
So, I am not ready for this hot weather. When you are pale and have b… -
Tuesday Apr 11, 2006
Yesterday was a good day. I went to my prosecutions class and the pro… -
Wednesday Apr 05, 2006
Last night was fun. The drag night was totally awesome and funny. One… -
Sunday Apr 02, 2006
This weekend was a lot of fun. Friday the AFS went to see "Thank You … -
Tuesday Mar 28, 2006
Well tonight the AFS planned a movie outing to go see "Thank You For … -
Sunday Mar 26, 2006
Friday night I went to the AFS dinner, which pretty much was just lik… -
Friday Mar 24, 2006
Mmmmm sushi! Yesterday I went with Anne and hereticam to go eat reall… -
Sunday Mar 19, 2006
Last night was a lot of fun. Emily,Kevin,Kyle,Cam and I went to Mocki…