Not much has been going on. I have been buying a lot of DVDs with my Christmas money. So that is fun. Movie Trading company has 2.99 DVDs ( they dont have cover art) but I have been getting a lot of those. So that is pretty cool, I am not really concerned with having the cover art anyway. I finished Need for Speed Underground. It is the very first game like that I have ever completed in my life, so after 22 years (almost 23) I have finally done it! Wow, now I can die a happy person who has actaully done something! haha. School starts Monday, big crap to that. I dont want to go. The cool thing is I am helping my friend, Meredith, move into my apartment complex. She is starting the semester here, so that will be awesome. Although it does get a little confusing having the same name! Well I better try to get some friggin sleep so I can help her tomorrow.
Yay for bitchxcore!
$2.99 man I've been payin five for the bootleg stuff.