had this real nice post all set up and it just disapeared, i didin't even realise i'd pushed any buttons. Of course I don't feel like writing it again. So here's the short version. because i'm bipolar i got that kinda mood swing where i feel really powerful, just completely consumed with it, it may be the best part of being bipolar, and when it was over i was walking around with a smirk feeling like i'd just had some nasty sex.
Its so corny it makes me want to wretch but i feel like blade or ginger snaps from the movies where I have to take this medication to keep the monster inside me from being released, and the medicine isn't working like it used to and people I love are getting hurt anyway. Good thing lifes not really like the movies cause those storys don't really end well do they?
Its so corny it makes me want to wretch but i feel like blade or ginger snaps from the movies where I have to take this medication to keep the monster inside me from being released, and the medicine isn't working like it used to and people I love are getting hurt anyway. Good thing lifes not really like the movies cause those storys don't really end well do they?
sometimes they end good some end bad, but real life is not like the movies at all found that out the hard way when I use to live with my parents as a teenager