I had a great time with my cuddle buddy thursday. It went way beyond cuddling and I'm very happy about that. He's so very cute, he's just my type, and from the begining I've doubted we'd ever have a fututre but I'm really attatched to him at this point. I'm very sweet on him, and how could I not be. We were talk9ng about singers or bands we like that we don't want to admit that we like and he said Randy Travis, I'm not much for country but I think he's really good. And he said he liked him mainly because he sang this old song he really liked, King of the Road, and right off I started singing it, because I have childhood memories with that song. And he said he was impressed that I knew it. Maybe he could start taking me seriously. I love what a normal average hard working guy he is, he makes me feel safe and at peace and then all the yummy feelings too. I hope i'm not jinxing things by gushing like this, and tomorrow he ends it, isn't that how it always works? But then, no matter how I worry, he always comes back to me, and it turns out I didn't really have a reason to worry.
I'm so glad you found someone to make you feel ike that. It's a fantastic feeling, enjoy it darlin' 

Hey sweetie, glad your buddy was worked out better than you thought he would. All that worry you had about him was needless I would say. Good luck.