I just had my first surf lesson in Costa Rica on my first day here, and I'm hooked! I tried surfing 1 time prior in Hawaii, with my ex boyfriend and I hated it. It didn't help he took me to a rocky beach and I cut my foot. I thought that was the end of my surfing career... Until now! If you're learning or want to learn I highly highly recommend Costa Rica. Really easy waves and soft sand bottom beaches. They also have amazing surf instructors out here as well! I got up after my 3rd wave ♡ and now Roxy is going to sponser me! Lol I'm in love with the Ocean, and now I'm in love with a sport that brings me closer to it. Any surfers out there?
Amazing pic
That's awesome! Surfing it a great pressure relief valve. if you ever make it to San Diego, I'll take you surfing and we can hit a few of the sites where Animal Kingdom is filmed.