so I'm back after almost 2 months of MIA. What's new around here?
It's nice to see the website is functioning a bit cleaner now.
so I'm back after almost 2 months of MIA. What's new around here?
It's nice to see the website is functioning a bit cleaner now.
Oh, I discovered this today, and thought Id mention it to you, it sums up Finnish psy-trance quite nicely. And to my infinite happiness I also discovered that this party is something Im not going to miss- yay, new Haltya!! *happy happy fox*
My premier is January 23rd- todays still holiday for me but tomorrow morning Im going to start painting the set and aaaargh, theres so much to do it makes me insane. Im hoping to get a camera sometime soon, or maybe Ill just have to buy more dia film and photograph anyway (you know Ive had this dream of a digi cam of my own so that I wont always have to borrow others ), digi or not.
But if I manage to finish it in time, I think it just might look quite nice after all.
Merry Midwinter!!!