Today's quote, tomorrow's manifesto:
"Suspended in an immemorial past which haunts the labyrinth of our soul, struggling with ideas that rise up like ghosts from nowhere, we now find ourselves committed to the Promethean task of restructuring the world." -Daryush Shayegan
When discussing war and warfare, it's difficult not to take sides. In the ignorance of my youth, I supported Israel in their stand against the invading Muslim barbarians. Then, while living in Egypt, I came to sympathize with the Arab point of view, distorted though it may be in certain areas. It is difficult to listen to both sides with conflicting information and formulate some sort of synthesis which accurately portrays the reality of the situation. I don't think war could ever end, nor do I really believe that it should. War is both horrible and beautiful. It is a natural system of checks and balances with which humankind maintains itself as an disproportionately large population. Yet, it also tends to illuminate the beauty and the tragedy of the human spirit.
In other less wordy words: I'm sick of the WAR IS BAD, WAR IS GOOD divide. It's neither accurate, nor beneficial. Any comments?
"Suspended in an immemorial past which haunts the labyrinth of our soul, struggling with ideas that rise up like ghosts from nowhere, we now find ourselves committed to the Promethean task of restructuring the world." -Daryush Shayegan
When discussing war and warfare, it's difficult not to take sides. In the ignorance of my youth, I supported Israel in their stand against the invading Muslim barbarians. Then, while living in Egypt, I came to sympathize with the Arab point of view, distorted though it may be in certain areas. It is difficult to listen to both sides with conflicting information and formulate some sort of synthesis which accurately portrays the reality of the situation. I don't think war could ever end, nor do I really believe that it should. War is both horrible and beautiful. It is a natural system of checks and balances with which humankind maintains itself as an disproportionately large population. Yet, it also tends to illuminate the beauty and the tragedy of the human spirit.
In other less wordy words: I'm sick of the WAR IS BAD, WAR IS GOOD divide. It's neither accurate, nor beneficial. Any comments?

but no worries; pics soon to come, anyhow.
some say it was a vicious hamster attack.
others say i lost a bet.
the real hint is: