I feel like I update this thing every day, but it gets ahead of me!
Right now, I'm sitting here writing a business/personal plan for my professional practice class that is NOT optional. Nobody, including me, seems to take the class seriously, though it may be the most important one we take. We have fucked up priorities in our youth culture.
I'm studying about the origin and history of war in one of my classes, "War and Peace". War is a heavily gendered topic and the temperatures were rising today, mine included. Men and women are both hopelessly stupid when it comes to truly understanding one another, I have concluded. I turned to this cute girl next to me at one point in the discussion and said, "The dating scene in this class looks like it'll be grim" (or something to that effect) and she just turned and GLARED at me as if I was saying, "I AM MAN! Wanna fuck?"
sucks too, because I really wanted to bag that girl!
Right now, I'm sitting here writing a business/personal plan for my professional practice class that is NOT optional. Nobody, including me, seems to take the class seriously, though it may be the most important one we take. We have fucked up priorities in our youth culture.
I'm studying about the origin and history of war in one of my classes, "War and Peace". War is a heavily gendered topic and the temperatures were rising today, mine included. Men and women are both hopelessly stupid when it comes to truly understanding one another, I have concluded. I turned to this cute girl next to me at one point in the discussion and said, "The dating scene in this class looks like it'll be grim" (or something to that effect) and she just turned and GLARED at me as if I was saying, "I AM MAN! Wanna fuck?"
sucks too, because I really wanted to bag that girl!
instead of actually writing a manifesto i decided to play around in photoshop with the covers of old science fiction pulp magazines from the 50s.
that war and peace sounds really intersting
But as far as friendship goes, it's strange. I only have her story so, as his friend, part of me wants to reserve judgement. But in all honesty, right now he makes me sick.
I was friends with him before I even knew her, but really in this situation, I'm going to be there for her. If he needs someone to talk to, I'll try to listen, but I think it's much more important that I give her support.