Bauhaus keeps playing in my head.
Do you ever remember your dreams? How closely do you think reality mimics them, and how much do you think they actually play a part in one another? I've had particularly eerie encounters with dreams in the past that have somehow related to things directly in my life, sometimes outright and other times subliminally. I guess I'll just see how it plays out.
To change the subject, I've decided to move to Oregon in August! I've lived in Cincinnati for the better part of my life now, so to to take a big leap now is hella exciting. I've been making budget plans, looking into neighborhoods and have been getting into the mindset of tying up loose ends. Let alone, the idea of moving forward and leaving my comfort zone behind is in turn comforting. I'm ready to not be able to make a class reunion, simply because of the distance. I'm ready to loose contact with all of the awkward acquaintances that I barely know, but still run into periodically. I'm ready to have my own unique experience, totally unrelated to anyone else's (not that I don't, but even more so now.)
What has the law of attraction brought you lately?
Also!! My first set is ever so slowly creeping up to 600 comments, WOO!!! Should we see if it can get there by this weekend? I double dare you to leave me some love.
I do hope your change in area is the right thing for you, i'm sure as it looms closer and closer you'll know when the excitment and prospect of new possibilities kicks in
What has the law of attraction brought me lately? well nothing yet, but i hope the power of free thought and choice, not this god awful crappy rut most of us are stuck in atm!
Finally i'll leave you some more love on your set, it deserves it after all. Pretty pale redhead girls have me on my knees everytime, they just do it for me...hope you have a future set planned? your awesome
Sometimes I wake up from a dream and question which part I'm actually living..haha. Weird? Maybe depending on whatever I'm actually questioning.