Oh my GOD it's hot in here!!! It's like 90 degrees outside and 95 in my upstairs of my house.... Thank god I remembered today that I have a windoe a/c unit in my storage space under my stairs. After some heavy lifting and heaving, and maybe pulling a muscle in my back, it's in the window in the computer room, cooling us all down (me, Luna, and Bub). I want a cold dinner, but what??...
Nothing interesting happened today, just work. Although, one thing was funny yet sucked....
Mike is the office manager, but he's my age, and we get along really well. He was telling me the compressed air cans have like liquid nitrogen in them, and if you turn them upside down it'll come out... he's like "Here check it out," and sprayed a spot on my thigh before i could object! I was like "You bastard!" and I kicked his leg. It left a red round spot on my leg that's still there, about 2 inches in circumfrence. So I sprayed his arm, but he doesn't have sensitive skin like me so it just went away like a half hour later. But it was funny. He took shit all day from the other guys for "hurting me." But it really isn't that bad. It just surprised me.
By the way, let's all congratulate SteveNeurotic on becoming an OFFICIAL SG photographer!! It's so awesome for him! And he took all my lovely test set pics for me, and my real top secret yummy set - YAY for Stever!
Okay, I'm going grocery shopping at my Pop's house because I'm poor and they have enough food to feed an army. Humor me with your answers to...
Questions of the Day!!!
1. If you could have any job, what would it be?? And you can't say "get paid to do nothing," I want you to think about a job you'd be happy to work at for the rest of your life.
2. What is the one thing that seems to irk your significant other (whether you're in a relationship or thinking back on past ones)?
3. What's the one thing that irks YOU about your significant other (or when in a relationship)?
4. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, 10 being super fuckin hot like Bam is a 10 to me.
5. what is your favortie thing about each season of the year? (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter?)
Much love to my pals - kisses!

I gotsta get ready for work now, later
1. Astronomer...or being naked on the internet whooo!!!
2. ummm past ones...Me wanting to have sex all the time.
3. Uh..when they didn't want to have sex with me all the time
4. Bah! If your a 7 then I'm defintely a 5
5. Winter - layering clothes
Spring - Everything is so pretty
Summer - Warm rain to have sex in
Fall - Favorite everything about it is awesome