Yay! check out the cool lil avatar that my new friend Kristen made me! I love it! And she loves me!

The first day on the job was cool. These guys will be a piece of cake once i get that place running like a well-oiled machine. They're really laid back and cool, and they joke around a lot and call each other horrible names ("dickhead" and "jackass" being the favorites, but not the worst by far)... they're fun to be around. And the job itself will be simple once i get into the groove and learn a little more just about the lawn care business in general.
If I can run a doctor's whole operation for two years, I can SO do this.
My brother came home from juvie today!! He's on home detention, and just SO happy to be HOME. He called me earlier, after i got home from work, to tell me about it and all... he has the little bracelet around his ankle of course, and they call him randomly with a recording that he has to say back some numbers on, he has to repeat what the recording says... and he can't be on the phone for more than fifteen minutes at a time so as to not block the line or something. But he's just happy to be at home. And he's still my brother - his usual cursing, abusive self. He was calling me names for not im'ing him back (although my AIM is acting funny as all get out and i don't know why)... but you know, it's all good because he's at HOME calling me names.

You Know What? I'm sort of pissed at Steve. He called me today to say I was off his medical insurance as of June 1st. I said "I thought we agreed that I would pay you for whatever they took from your check?!" He says "Well Mandie doesn't have insurance and I'm putting her on mine." I was like, "How can you do that?? You aren't even fuckin married!" And he said there's some shit about a domestic partner clause or something.... SO now I have to buy all my Rx's for the next like TWO months before i have to pay full price, and go see my doctor before July as planed.... I'm not going to have my own insurance for another few months....
I'm feeling very hurt by this. I guess I know who's more improtant than me, now and forever.
*sigh* it's hot in my computer room. And it's about to get hotter. Gaze upon my favorite members of SG, the hot and sexy babes who are not SGs, and the guys who are lovely.

The Beautiful, Lovely, One-of-a-Kind MistakesMade.

The darling, sweet and caring Amethystula.

The fabulous, fucking awesome to know Irina.

The intriguing, always-on-the-go wise Beauty that is SirenBlu7.

The enchanting hopeless romantic, Miss Cattra.

The first SuicideBoy I ever set eyes on, the scorching hot GoodBoy.

The other half of the gorgeous MistakesMade, the hottness of Nebelhex.

Tronvillain. Smart, witty, humorous, always quick with a compliment for me... and so very YUM... (not to mention that sexy scar!!)

My ferret-loving cohort and one of my best IM pals... ProphetNoise! Yes he's aware i have a little crush on him and yes he makes sure to tease me all the time. (Snatch tease!)

And last but certainly NOT least, waxangel. He's a doll. And, he's FUNNY.

Visual candy.
I'm feeling narcisisstic today. Post your favorite picture of ME and let me know why it's your fav.

Except you Noise. You're a bitch.

Witch would be why i picked this shot
Because you look as though you are having so much fun.
I Think that your most beautyful when your not trying,
Just sit there and laugh show us that beautyful smile and the true you comes shining through
Thank you for thinking of me