Wow guys, I put my pierced nipples in a journal and I get a whopping 36 comments!
Yeah I see how it works around here.
I'll try not to be TOO depressing, but I have had a couple interesting things happen over the past 24 hours.
Like sand through the hourglass, These Are the Days of Our Lives...
1. I befriended the poor girl who Jay got with after me. She's such a sweetheart, and she didn't deserve to be treated how she was treated as much as I didn't. He told her the same song and dance about how he was waiting on his ex-girlfriend to come visit because he wants to get back with her. This girl however is a much stronger type, she was lucky enough to avoid getting hurt even more badly, because she didn't sleep with him. She's smart, and kind, and beautiful. She said last night "He likes to throw away pretty girls." She's such a doll. I feel badly for her because she's where i was three weeks ago or so, really super hurt and betrayed. And what's worse, is he lied about a lot of stuff to her. He told her that he and I never slept together. He told her he could see them living together, even getting married. It really makes me sad that there are people out there with such disregard to another human being's emotions.
Here is the pretty lil thing he screwed over...
And she's just as sweet as those big doe eyes seem to say to you. I think her and I are on our way to being very good friends, friends that we each need right now. Jay, I would thank you for bringing us together, but you're a fuckhead who doesn't deserve shit. Especially not either of us lovely creatures.
2. I think I've screwed up my situation with my mystery guy... I brought up the where is this going conversation last night on AIM, and it went pretty much nowhere. He thought I was still with Jay. HAH! that's been over and done with for like three weeks. I really like this guy and i just put it out there, i told him I really liked him and I wanted to be there for him. He said something that made me supremely sad, I mean, it made me cry a little.... "it's only sad when you don't understand it for what it is.. which you can't.. unless you been there, i think... the only love i've ever known died, what didn't flew on broken wings.. and the rest is under mine." God I wish he could understand I just want to hold him and tell him I CARE and things can get better... even with all the hardship in my life, I still want to believe that. I think he's really special and amazing, and he has the capacity to make me and himself very happy, but he can't move forward from the past. I'll just have to wait and see what happens. But I won't give up on him. I won't.
If this doesn't work out, I've lost a piece of my faith... the faith that I can find someone again, that happiness is still in store for me. I said a prayer last night, looking at the full moon, to the Goddess (yes I'm an amateur Wiccan)... I asked her to please give me something good in my life so that I don't lose faith. It was a very long, heartfelt prayer, which I don't do very much of.... Which brings me to my next piece of my journal. She came through for me in one good respect.
And I'm movin on u-up...
I JUST got a phone call from my temp agency about a more promising job. It's for a lawn care company, there's 12 guys who work there, and they need someone to come in and organize and schedule and do filing and such... Basically, I get to be the Mom there that apparantly every man needs. 12 guys can't run their own place without a lady. Sometimes, it's good to be a Woman. It pays 11.00 bucks an hour, and the schedule is flexible, and they're very laid back and cool people from what my agent says. I really hope this works out, it's temp to hire if they wanna keep me around and pays between 25-27,000 yearly if they hire me. AND it's only 10 minutes from home. Sweet! I'm very excited, I'd start Monday.
You don't need a doctor honey, you need a mortician baby...
My nipples feel just fine today. They of course ache and hurt me a little bit, which is to be expected, but I haven't needed to take any Aleve or IB Profen as of yet. So that's a good thing. BUT we'll see how they feel after I shower and have to clean them. (I cleaned them last night before bed with the SilverAid stuff I'm trying out, and they felt just fine and moved well enough.) They'l prolly ache a little more.
But I've found that wearing a bra 24-7 is key, so they don't bounce around and brush up against things constantly. The bra is keeping them safe and protected.
I'm very very happy with them, so glad I got it done as of 24 hours later. hah
Amazing song = DJ Icey's "Escape Electro Mix." This song never gets old to me, and it invokes a feeling that I am sure is absolutely amazing on E. I can understand how people on E get all crazy into the music when I listen to stuff like this. The dynamics are out of this world.....
I'm beautified, ready to go do something... only no one to do it with. fuck all.
My internet went down for three hours and I thought I'd die of boredom. I think I need a crowbar to get me off this computer?....
Layla, I have a surprise just for you.
MistakesMade, I'm trying to be nice to Nebelhex but he's stealing you from me! "Jealousy will drive you mad!"
ProphetNoise you're a big huge tease. I'll post your awesome story tomorrow too, don't worry sweet.
GetUpReggie you're a fag for not logging on more often. Go give him shit, people!!!
H.I.M. concert in 8 days! woo hoo!
Look! Bam's RIGHT where I want him. Half drunk and on the floor. Oh yeah.
1. Let's all think of a really offensive name to call ProphetNoise. It's all in fun, just let him have it, since he has an enormous ego and he loves getting journal mention.
2. How do you guys feel about pigtails on chicks as a general rule?
3. Guess my shoe size.
Yeah I see how it works around here.

I'll try not to be TOO depressing, but I have had a couple interesting things happen over the past 24 hours.
Like sand through the hourglass, These Are the Days of Our Lives...
1. I befriended the poor girl who Jay got with after me. She's such a sweetheart, and she didn't deserve to be treated how she was treated as much as I didn't. He told her the same song and dance about how he was waiting on his ex-girlfriend to come visit because he wants to get back with her. This girl however is a much stronger type, she was lucky enough to avoid getting hurt even more badly, because she didn't sleep with him. She's smart, and kind, and beautiful. She said last night "He likes to throw away pretty girls." She's such a doll. I feel badly for her because she's where i was three weeks ago or so, really super hurt and betrayed. And what's worse, is he lied about a lot of stuff to her. He told her that he and I never slept together. He told her he could see them living together, even getting married. It really makes me sad that there are people out there with such disregard to another human being's emotions.
Here is the pretty lil thing he screwed over...

And she's just as sweet as those big doe eyes seem to say to you. I think her and I are on our way to being very good friends, friends that we each need right now. Jay, I would thank you for bringing us together, but you're a fuckhead who doesn't deserve shit. Especially not either of us lovely creatures.

2. I think I've screwed up my situation with my mystery guy... I brought up the where is this going conversation last night on AIM, and it went pretty much nowhere. He thought I was still with Jay. HAH! that's been over and done with for like three weeks. I really like this guy and i just put it out there, i told him I really liked him and I wanted to be there for him. He said something that made me supremely sad, I mean, it made me cry a little.... "it's only sad when you don't understand it for what it is.. which you can't.. unless you been there, i think... the only love i've ever known died, what didn't flew on broken wings.. and the rest is under mine." God I wish he could understand I just want to hold him and tell him I CARE and things can get better... even with all the hardship in my life, I still want to believe that. I think he's really special and amazing, and he has the capacity to make me and himself very happy, but he can't move forward from the past. I'll just have to wait and see what happens. But I won't give up on him. I won't.
If this doesn't work out, I've lost a piece of my faith... the faith that I can find someone again, that happiness is still in store for me. I said a prayer last night, looking at the full moon, to the Goddess (yes I'm an amateur Wiccan)... I asked her to please give me something good in my life so that I don't lose faith. It was a very long, heartfelt prayer, which I don't do very much of.... Which brings me to my next piece of my journal. She came through for me in one good respect.
And I'm movin on u-up...
I JUST got a phone call from my temp agency about a more promising job. It's for a lawn care company, there's 12 guys who work there, and they need someone to come in and organize and schedule and do filing and such... Basically, I get to be the Mom there that apparantly every man needs. 12 guys can't run their own place without a lady. Sometimes, it's good to be a Woman. It pays 11.00 bucks an hour, and the schedule is flexible, and they're very laid back and cool people from what my agent says. I really hope this works out, it's temp to hire if they wanna keep me around and pays between 25-27,000 yearly if they hire me. AND it's only 10 minutes from home. Sweet! I'm very excited, I'd start Monday.

You don't need a doctor honey, you need a mortician baby...
My nipples feel just fine today. They of course ache and hurt me a little bit, which is to be expected, but I haven't needed to take any Aleve or IB Profen as of yet. So that's a good thing. BUT we'll see how they feel after I shower and have to clean them. (I cleaned them last night before bed with the SilverAid stuff I'm trying out, and they felt just fine and moved well enough.) They'l prolly ache a little more.
But I've found that wearing a bra 24-7 is key, so they don't bounce around and brush up against things constantly. The bra is keeping them safe and protected.

Amazing song = DJ Icey's "Escape Electro Mix." This song never gets old to me, and it invokes a feeling that I am sure is absolutely amazing on E. I can understand how people on E get all crazy into the music when I listen to stuff like this. The dynamics are out of this world.....
I'm beautified, ready to go do something... only no one to do it with. fuck all.
My internet went down for three hours and I thought I'd die of boredom. I think I need a crowbar to get me off this computer?....
Layla, I have a surprise just for you.
MistakesMade, I'm trying to be nice to Nebelhex but he's stealing you from me! "Jealousy will drive you mad!"
ProphetNoise you're a big huge tease. I'll post your awesome story tomorrow too, don't worry sweet.
GetUpReggie you're a fag for not logging on more often. Go give him shit, people!!!
H.I.M. concert in 8 days! woo hoo!
Look! Bam's RIGHT where I want him. Half drunk and on the floor. Oh yeah.

1. Let's all think of a really offensive name to call ProphetNoise. It's all in fun, just let him have it, since he has an enormous ego and he loves getting journal mention.

2. How do you guys feel about pigtails on chicks as a general rule?
3. Guess my shoe size.
jay is such an asshole, he being such a player...
the lawn work job sounds awsome, take it from me working with men is awsome most of the time!
glad you nips are doing well, can't wait to see some happy new nipply pics :-)
1) cumguzzlinggutterslut
2) handle bars??? i like those ;-)
3) 6.5