updated 10:00 am to add:
I dropped the price of my home from 119,00 to 105,000 just now. Just signed the papers. See if it doesn't sell NOW. Fuckers. BUY MY HOUSE!!!!!!
My check doesn't even cover my bankruptcy payment. Guess I'll call and hope they take the payment next monday... I'll offer prints for sale later today.
Would anymore be interested in original Polaroid pictures? I thought that would be a cool idea...
Lemme know? xo.
Kitty picture journal!!....
So, I feel like updating since I'm currently unable to sleep.
I'm eating peas and corn since I'm kinda sick of ramen and sketti. which is all I have at home. See why I stay at Scott's so much? Not only do I have his cute face around, some company, and 8 kitties to play with, PLUS free food and a comfy couch with cable AND movie channels... yeah well, you get the idea. All plusses.
Well, while I'm on the subject, I wanted to share pictures of kitties with you. Who doesn't love kitty pictures??
These are my kitties at home:
Tripod, the three legged menace. He may be a jerk but I can't help but love his mean ass.

Luna, my princess. She's 6 and a half years old now, I've had her since she was a lil kitten.

Scott's kitties... there's 8 of them, get ready!
Salem is hugging Merlin here. Merlin is about 16 years old, Salem we call the Puppy Kitty. She follows you around like a doggie and loves having her tummy rubbed.

Scott and Lucy.

Lucy and her full fat self. heh

Scott and Abby. She's such an outdoor kitty... she'll leave for days and then come home and gorge herself and sleep for about 3 or 4 days. She never leaves the couch when she's home and I love my couch buddy when she's there.

Lydia is the black and white kitty in the top of the picture. Lucy is below. Lydia we dubbed the Cow Meow, she's a big fat black and white kitty and it just makes sense.

Don Fooberto Longtail, esquire. Foobie for short. This is Scott's kitty, through and through. He loves his Scott.

Pookie is the black cat in this picture. He's a rough and tumble tomcat, and he's like Abby, barely home because he wanders around so much. He's that tough kitty with ragged ears you come across here and there. you know?

This is Merlin, my other favorite couch buddy. He's so old and sweet, he opens his mouth to meow and half the time he doesnt even suceed in making a sound. But he's still a excellent hunter and always on the prowl!

Roxy, aka fluffypants. She's so big and fat and sweet.

Pookie looking grumpy.

Lessee, I think that's everyone in Scott's house... Salem, Merlin, Pookie, Abby, Roxy, Lydia, Lucy, Foobie. Yep, that's all of them. It took me a couple months to remember all the kitties names!
And just for shits and giggles, Scott found this one while sending me kitty pictures:

Circa May 2004, when Scott and I first met and were totally into each other. Can you see the lovey dovey googly faces? We were totall making out before we took this picture.
And another pretty of Scott's pictures that I adore:

So gorgeous. ♥
So, I hope that wasn't too boring.
Random thoughts part:
01. The new layout rules. Stop complaining, SG is only trying to better your experience. I love, it personally.
02. I saw a sign today on the fence of a cemetery that read "BABYLAND." Yes, I intend on getting a picture of it tomorrow.
03. I think I am going to lower the price of my home to 105,000 tomorrow. Calling my realtor first thing in the morning.
04. I need more painkillers. Tooth is still being a bitch.
05. If this person was serious about it, I am going to sell my car. My camaro. She was fun while she lasted. But he may not like my price....
06. I spent the day alone. I miss my Scott.
07. I need a haircut. I'll trade you a print for donations towards The Haircut Fund for Mercie.
08. Why is it that I have all these things to make and am missing key ingredients? Examples: I wanted to make au gratin taters earlier SO BADLY... no milk and no butter. I wanted a tunafish sammich... no bread and no mayo. I wanted cram of broccoli soup, no milk, again. I settled for the above mentonioned peas and corn. It sucks having lots of food and nothing to make it with!!!!
09. Why am I still up??
I need to sleep, but it's not happening anytime soon, so, hope you liked the picture journal. Like I said, I think everyone loves kitties??
I dropped the price of my home from 119,00 to 105,000 just now. Just signed the papers. See if it doesn't sell NOW. Fuckers. BUY MY HOUSE!!!!!!
My check doesn't even cover my bankruptcy payment. Guess I'll call and hope they take the payment next monday... I'll offer prints for sale later today.
Would anymore be interested in original Polaroid pictures? I thought that would be a cool idea...
Lemme know? xo.
Kitty picture journal!!....
So, I feel like updating since I'm currently unable to sleep.
I'm eating peas and corn since I'm kinda sick of ramen and sketti. which is all I have at home. See why I stay at Scott's so much? Not only do I have his cute face around, some company, and 8 kitties to play with, PLUS free food and a comfy couch with cable AND movie channels... yeah well, you get the idea. All plusses.
Well, while I'm on the subject, I wanted to share pictures of kitties with you. Who doesn't love kitty pictures??
These are my kitties at home:
Tripod, the three legged menace. He may be a jerk but I can't help but love his mean ass.

Luna, my princess. She's 6 and a half years old now, I've had her since she was a lil kitten.

Scott's kitties... there's 8 of them, get ready!
Salem is hugging Merlin here. Merlin is about 16 years old, Salem we call the Puppy Kitty. She follows you around like a doggie and loves having her tummy rubbed.

Scott and Lucy.

Lucy and her full fat self. heh

Scott and Abby. She's such an outdoor kitty... she'll leave for days and then come home and gorge herself and sleep for about 3 or 4 days. She never leaves the couch when she's home and I love my couch buddy when she's there.

Lydia is the black and white kitty in the top of the picture. Lucy is below. Lydia we dubbed the Cow Meow, she's a big fat black and white kitty and it just makes sense.

Don Fooberto Longtail, esquire. Foobie for short. This is Scott's kitty, through and through. He loves his Scott.

Pookie is the black cat in this picture. He's a rough and tumble tomcat, and he's like Abby, barely home because he wanders around so much. He's that tough kitty with ragged ears you come across here and there. you know?

This is Merlin, my other favorite couch buddy. He's so old and sweet, he opens his mouth to meow and half the time he doesnt even suceed in making a sound. But he's still a excellent hunter and always on the prowl!

Roxy, aka fluffypants. She's so big and fat and sweet.

Pookie looking grumpy.

Lessee, I think that's everyone in Scott's house... Salem, Merlin, Pookie, Abby, Roxy, Lydia, Lucy, Foobie. Yep, that's all of them. It took me a couple months to remember all the kitties names!

And just for shits and giggles, Scott found this one while sending me kitty pictures:

Circa May 2004, when Scott and I first met and were totally into each other. Can you see the lovey dovey googly faces? We were totall making out before we took this picture.

And another pretty of Scott's pictures that I adore:

So gorgeous. ♥
So, I hope that wasn't too boring.
Random thoughts part:
01. The new layout rules. Stop complaining, SG is only trying to better your experience. I love, it personally.
02. I saw a sign today on the fence of a cemetery that read "BABYLAND." Yes, I intend on getting a picture of it tomorrow.
03. I think I am going to lower the price of my home to 105,000 tomorrow. Calling my realtor first thing in the morning.
04. I need more painkillers. Tooth is still being a bitch.
05. If this person was serious about it, I am going to sell my car. My camaro. She was fun while she lasted. But he may not like my price....
06. I spent the day alone. I miss my Scott.
07. I need a haircut. I'll trade you a print for donations towards The Haircut Fund for Mercie.

08. Why is it that I have all these things to make and am missing key ingredients? Examples: I wanted to make au gratin taters earlier SO BADLY... no milk and no butter. I wanted a tunafish sammich... no bread and no mayo. I wanted cram of broccoli soup, no milk, again. I settled for the above mentonioned peas and corn. It sucks having lots of food and nothing to make it with!!!!
09. Why am I still up??
I need to sleep, but it's not happening anytime soon, so, hope you liked the picture journal. Like I said, I think everyone loves kitties??

aw so many cute kitty pic <3
I do notice that many of my friends are in their late 20s and still living at home and still finishing college while our parents probably had families and full fledged careers at that point in life. In my parents' culture, they LOVE For kids to stay at home as long as possible, until marriage, and a lot of the time, the married couples move in with one of the parents and then help take care of the older peeps.
I think this is sort of poopoo'd in America tho, so all these people feel like big losers for not being self sufficient at this age. Is it just getting harder to live? I wonder if this side of "not 'growingup'" has anything to do with the Cartoon Network/plushytoy side of "not 'growing up'". Maybe they have nothing to do with each other at all!
I am always worried about overpopulation. THere are like a zillion other things to worry about, too, but it just seems odd to me when one couple squeezes out like 8 kids, and it's not like we need those kids to work on the farm anymore. But I would also not begrudge anyone their human right to reproduce...so......hmmmm!!!!
P>S> YAY FOR PEEWEE@!!!!!!!! The first time i saw the stage version on television I was so tickled.