I got a new swimsuit.
Good thing since I'm getting a new body.
That's going to be all toned and shit.
And silky smooth.

Fuck, I'm already silky smooth. wink
I'm happy for ya. You deserve some good luck coming your way. How you doing? How ya feeling? smile
You poor thing. That's horrible. You must be pretty shaken. I hope you feel better soon. I've known a lot of people who were in car accidents and over half weren't lucky enough to survive. I'm glad you're still around. Just get some rest and take care.


I haven't quit yet. As a matter of fact, I'm working MORE.
I need to hold on to this strength that I currently have and work as much as possible. I'll have more money to take care of myself. People are always going to be stupid, sneaky, bossy, etc. Just ignore it. Or blow up their home.

I'm losing weight. I'm going to look amazing....
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I have to quit. I have to. I hate it so much there.
I don't go in a lot. And then, my paycheck looks
like shit when I get it. It would look like shit if I
went in all the time, though.

I need to pay my credit card bill.
I need to do my taxes.
I need to get ridiculously rich so I...
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I'm going to die soon.

I have strep throat.

I... I am never well.

Something is always wrong.

So, I figure I have cancer and
I'm dying.

Sucks because I never got my
sleeve finished.

You poor thing. Strep throat sucks, but I think you'll get better. You have to get better. Mankind depends on it. wink
Thanx for your nice comment on my set. kiss
I either have the flu or I got food poisoning... from a Hot Pocket.
I feel like crap, but I did all my bodily grossness last night.
Hopefully, I'm finished with that.
I want my snuggumpoopie to come home and cuddle with me
so I can yell at him and tell him to leave me alone. Ha.

Don't do me wrong, chicken noodle soup. Please.
I'm not sure the mange looks that good. I kinda dig it, but you have to live with it. Do whatcha gotta do. smile
On my way to work.
Getting off at twelve.
Hanging with Jamie at four.
Taking these braids out at seven-thirty.
Having sex with my boyfriend as soon
as my braids are taken out.
He'll probably want to watch American
Idol first. He's so odd.