Oh I hate when a tattoo heels. That itchy scratchy feeling sucks. Anyway I wanted to bring up a subject that has totured me for many years- See's Candies. When I was a young lad I would see this awsome box of candy on the table and take a bite of what looked like a milky way or three musketeers, only to be gagged by god knows what kinda fruit cake concoction (sp) they hid inside there. Well the problem is solved. You can now go to the See's Candies web site and they have a discription of each one. Fuck that was killing me. Now can we just find this Osama Bin Laden fucker!
Howz the healing going I am sure by now things are lookin great...
Ohhh I love the Butterscotch squares from See's. They are YUMMY! Try those.... they are to die for. Well... maybe not die, but at least get really sick.