I'm frequently confused by the observation that too many people seem unaware of the chains that link all of us together. Had I the chance to cast one question into the sky, knowing I would receive a whole and complete answer, it would be to ask that most dangerous of questions; "why?".
Every action we take, creates ripples around us. Everything we do can, and usually does influence those we are near to. Have you ever seen someone across the street who is clearly in a bad mood? Have you noticed that because of it, you may now feel scared, or wary or even angry yourself?
It's impossible to know all the potential consequences of our actions, and to dwell too intently on the possibilities would quite likely drive you mad. It is worth being mindful of the fact that you might be influencing others though. It might help your choices. To reach out and offer a hand to a stranger who seems sad, or to avoid a pointless argument in favour of nurturing your family.
Should anyone else stumble upon this dusty corner of reality, what question would you ask?