New Post!!! Couldn't keep that sad one up there for too long!
So since then a few things have happened so things are looking up.
To fill you in, i just have my thesis left at uni, and i really haven't been able to focus on it for about a year now.
My dad died last year and so i moved in with my mum to keep her company while we sorted out all his estate etc. and it would be very lonely here for her if she was by herself for the first time after so long. So living here is just making it impossible for me to focus, cos i am used to living alone. have done for the last 10 years.
After my last post my mum came home with a new dvd so i watched that with her, it was a super super sad movie, but a very Aussie movie. it's called Red Dog. I always find movies about animals more sad then humans. (wow just realised the spell check on here doesn't know the word movie)
I cried at the end, and it was bad, but felt a bit better after, too much bottled up for too long and all that.
And so i started to feel better. I went out a few times with some friends and have just tried not to focus on any of the bad stuff. and it really is helping.
I am sick atm, but that's because i went out and had a great time. so got sick, so as much as it sucks being sick now, i think it was worth it.
Still no motivation for my thesis, but feeling much better!
that crazy russian again
And some Manson
Die Antwoord
So since then a few things have happened so things are looking up.
To fill you in, i just have my thesis left at uni, and i really haven't been able to focus on it for about a year now.
My dad died last year and so i moved in with my mum to keep her company while we sorted out all his estate etc. and it would be very lonely here for her if she was by herself for the first time after so long. So living here is just making it impossible for me to focus, cos i am used to living alone. have done for the last 10 years.
After my last post my mum came home with a new dvd so i watched that with her, it was a super super sad movie, but a very Aussie movie. it's called Red Dog. I always find movies about animals more sad then humans. (wow just realised the spell check on here doesn't know the word movie)
I cried at the end, and it was bad, but felt a bit better after, too much bottled up for too long and all that.
And so i started to feel better. I went out a few times with some friends and have just tried not to focus on any of the bad stuff. and it really is helping.
I am sick atm, but that's because i went out and had a great time. so got sick, so as much as it sucks being sick now, i think it was worth it.
Still no motivation for my thesis, but feeling much better!
that crazy russian again
And some Manson
Die Antwoord
wwow! .. thank you very much. that good that you like!! muahh! kisses!
i would never dream of compromising myeslf..i've done it before when i was younger & that turned out pretty ugly...but thanks
! glad to hear things are looking up for you!!!