Sound of the axe falling.
Cutting people out of my life. Some have gotten the memo, some have gotten the psychic memo as a friend would say. Others will get it when we are face to face as our history entitles them to a kiss before the farewell. I am slowly losing a grip on the facade I tried to construct. The box in which I tried to live. Keep it at a distance and even the rankest shit should not smell, but it is still shit. Do these words seem pointed at you? are you right? are you paranoid?
Tonight 2 doors closed in my life and a meaningful one opened. I would shed it all for something that was honest and not cancered. I have acquiesced from the vying to say the prize is not worth my time. The world is vast son, why do you focus on only that which you can see. can your senses not perceive the greatness around you?
I am writing a lot more, I am working too much, sleeping to little, engaging in sinful deeds.
I have learned, I hate not figuring things out. So I dissect, deconstruct and understand. Doing this seems to kill the human emotional impulse. So, does intellect, mean callousness?
Is intellect without empathy the path of the sociopath? Is intellect with empathy Machiavellian? Odd questions you ask yourself when you don't sleep for 2 weeks + and just work work work.
Sound of the axe falling.
Cutting people out of my life. Some have gotten the memo, some have gotten the psychic memo as a friend would say. Others will get it when we are face to face as our history entitles them to a kiss before the farewell. I am slowly losing a grip on the facade I tried to construct. The box in which I tried to live. Keep it at a distance and even the rankest shit should not smell, but it is still shit. Do these words seem pointed at you? are you right? are you paranoid?
Tonight 2 doors closed in my life and a meaningful one opened. I would shed it all for something that was honest and not cancered. I have acquiesced from the vying to say the prize is not worth my time. The world is vast son, why do you focus on only that which you can see. can your senses not perceive the greatness around you?
I am writing a lot more, I am working too much, sleeping to little, engaging in sinful deeds.
I have learned, I hate not figuring things out. So I dissect, deconstruct and understand. Doing this seems to kill the human emotional impulse. So, does intellect, mean callousness?
Is intellect without empathy the path of the sociopath? Is intellect with empathy Machiavellian? Odd questions you ask yourself when you don't sleep for 2 weeks + and just work work work.