Went to a baseball game the other day. I usually shun going to them, but if the game is mildly exciting and your team (Dodgers) win and you drink a massive bottle of saki hidden in a massive water bottle, it can be an amazing time ha ha
It is always bitter sweet, I had a chance play ball, but it bored the shit out of me. Had someone just told me about the $$$ back then...
Me and my friend Nicole from work at the game, then the drunken after party:

It is always bitter sweet, I had a chance play ball, but it bored the shit out of me. Had someone just told me about the $$$ back then...
Me and my friend Nicole from work at the game, then the drunken after party:

you are talking about not even liking baseball!!!! you are crazy. glad you said you had an okay time though. have fun this weekend =]
yeahh i guess so. i dont think its boring at all though! i love it. i will say i dont like watching it on tv near as much as i like going to the games!