speaking of peace, the march today was a fabulous time... aside from having to babysit on particular immature forty year old and stop him from being lecherous to underage females. Ugh. Some people do not have maturity in their programming at all.
minor stressor aside, it was great to see so many people out supporting peace, no matter their reason. to think there was only one little blip of military people and evangelists at pioneer courthouse square. not a big suprise.
speaking of love, I really enjoy hugs. I'm hoping hugs turn into more frienships, as I'm sure they already are. Ahhh... now that feels good.
speaking of nudity, my camera should be arriving monday.
in the other category of life, well, let's see.
nope. that's it. peace, love, and nudity fo-ev-ah.
I only say this because I am so funking tired from dancing, not getting sleep, and marching for two hours. Plus tomorrow I'm going to be up on a hillside planding ponderosa pine saplings for hours at a time. Tired. Yes. Tired. Yezzzzzzzzrrrrrrrrrrrroarck! What? Oh, right. Tired.
minor stressor aside, it was great to see so many people out supporting peace, no matter their reason. to think there was only one little blip of military people and evangelists at pioneer courthouse square. not a big suprise.
speaking of love, I really enjoy hugs. I'm hoping hugs turn into more frienships, as I'm sure they already are. Ahhh... now that feels good.
speaking of nudity, my camera should be arriving monday.
in the other category of life, well, let's see.
nope. that's it. peace, love, and nudity fo-ev-ah.
I only say this because I am so funking tired from dancing, not getting sleep, and marching for two hours. Plus tomorrow I'm going to be up on a hillside planding ponderosa pine saplings for hours at a time. Tired. Yes. Tired. Yezzzzzzzzrrrrrrrrrrrroarck! What? Oh, right. Tired.
do you volunteer with friends of trees?
What becomes of the hug that is not returned?