I just seek to live a life on fire, to burn clean, to remain in focus and avoid blurring myself in shades and alleyways.
there was once I would have chosen to live less presently, put away my eyeglasses and watch motion indirectly. I have considered it all and chosen none.
this really doesn't matter; in the end even words drip off the page and...
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there was once I would have chosen to live less presently, put away my eyeglasses and watch motion indirectly. I have considered it all and chosen none.
this really doesn't matter; in the end even words drip off the page and...
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I just seek to live a life on fire, to burn clean, to remain in focus and avoid blurring myself in shades and alleyways.
there was once I would have chosen to live less presently, put away my eyeglasses and watch motion indirectly. I have considered it all and chosen none.
this really doesn't matter; in the end even words drip off the page and...
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there was once I would have chosen to live less presently, put away my eyeglasses and watch motion indirectly. I have considered it all and chosen none.
this really doesn't matter; in the end even words drip off the page and...
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life is songs and smells, waking up slowly and rediscovering daylight even as it disappears.
See, that works for me because most of the summer I was pretty down and un-motivated, then in the last few months I've been feeling pretty good but it's gets dark way early.
it is strange, emerging from echoes into new invocations of the spirit, of dreams, of hoping that maybe what lay under the uncovered stone is something good, at last. questions of karma come to mind as appirations appear, but i try not to think about it too much, try not to put too much into it as zen waves have a way of taking it...
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You came up randomly on the hookup page and I couldn't help but notice we share the same day for ultimate life giving. I hate to be the kind of person to place too much significance on a random day on a man made calendar, but April 27 could totally kick any other day's ass in a no holds barred cage match.
for some reason I get the feeling you're about to step from the eye of the storm into the cruel winds again. Here's hoping they don't tear this contented moment asunder. Sheeeit jim, these streets are a bitch baby.
here i am, still here. somehow i have survived many hours of numbed living, a glorious escape from nothing as everything is still ever present. these feelings awake the insomniac inside and my eyes keep open to look at these troubles before me.
what more is required, i should wonder, to be functional again; i should think these confrontations coming soon should awaken dormant aches...
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what more is required, i should wonder, to be functional again; i should think these confrontations coming soon should awaken dormant aches...
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What up man, hope your having fun on your side of the world!!!
:Good ol day after wednesday and i wonder when you are going to be visiting us again? We might be down briefly thurs night of the 16th but i don't know what plans she might have cookin. Peace and cookies with ice cream!
not much to say, i am out of words except that it's over.
out of words.
out of words.
it's over? really?
At where I work, I get used to all sorts of behaviors and actions that I would have hoped I would never get used to: being yelled at, being bossed around, letting mysoginists roam a little, tolerating stupid shitheads, etc. I get used to abnormality, to the exceptions to the rule when it comes to believing that generally people are kind. I expect less and...
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wow after reading that i feel like shit saying, no i have not had them bitten in awhile. please remedy this as soon as possible.
anyway, im sorry things are rough right now. relationship woes can be the worst, but that just means you need to come to pirate thursday and let me bite on you till you smile, or kick me.
anyway, im sorry things are rough right now. relationship woes can be the worst, but that just means you need to come to pirate thursday and let me bite on you till you smile, or kick me.
Oh, how that hits home. It sounds a lot like where I have been before. Not fun. Although Thursday was fun robot man.
"and if you complain/once more/you'll meet an/army of me" -Bjork
in the meantime, I should get out and dance to something groovy. the more i can get out and away from myself, the less i'll punch things that don't need to be punched. my problems are ants at a picnic; all i need now is my can of certain doom to return to savoring my...
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in the meantime, I should get out and dance to something groovy. the more i can get out and away from myself, the less i'll punch things that don't need to be punched. my problems are ants at a picnic; all i need now is my can of certain doom to return to savoring my...
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ive had that song stuck in my head for days. probably because ive been listening to it far too much lately. mostly just that one line though.
i like your list of favorite films. yes. yes i do.
"Big Darkness, soon come." --Hunter S. Thompson
today is the last day of the first days of my life; there are no more to come.
the final innocence lost is the last link of chain holding me back and this skin must be shed.
i don't know what there's left to hang on to, because i only seek to let it go.
the big .M....
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today is the last day of the first days of my life; there are no more to come.
the final innocence lost is the last link of chain holding me back and this skin must be shed.
i don't know what there's left to hang on to, because i only seek to let it go.
the big .M....
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theres nothing hotter than a bunch of drunk pdx kids in bowling shoes.
theres nothing hotter than a bunch of drunk pdx kids in bowling shoes.
*tucks you in*
if you don't mind, i'd like to open this up with a little music today, to get us all in the mood for the whole ordeal...
all right, down to business. First i'd like to recognize some wonderful human beings. i'll begin with Louise and her bodyguard, seeing as there are none better, this side of the international dateline or on the other. Next,...
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all right, down to business. First i'd like to recognize some wonderful human beings. i'll begin with Louise and her bodyguard, seeing as there are none better, this side of the international dateline or on the other. Next,...
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guess who totally went to pirates cove and got drinks.
thats right.
thats right.

HEY! So I went to the Pirates Cove last night and Big Daddy said you guys had just left! I sat alone for like an hour until Gingerlie and December showed up. Then we all put a pirate curse on you for not staying long enough.
So contemplative are you. Away from yourself you are.
- so says master yoda anyway.
It seems to me Meph, you are adrift because you have fallen into a trap of not thinking, or perhaps acting, like yourself. And maybe I am full of shit. I don't know.
As an outsider, I see a change from the Meph I met some many months ago. The Meph of coffee, bowling, and of course sushi. Not that we do not change, but more that you seem less happy with your life than when we met. And again, perhaps I'm full of shit.
I certainly hope you are feeling much better. p tells me you were sick last week. Drop in and say hi when you get the chance. I miss our long conversations over sushi. 'Wish you were here.
I wish you luck about your thoughts and in your head settledness.