Why? You know everyone is talking about how we all need an education and we need to go to college. Well I am pissed because I acually do want to go to college but it is so damn expensive. I dont want to get loans because by the time your done with school your so damn broke you wont be able to do what the hell you went to school for in the first place. I am in the process of looking for scholarships, but they require you to have all this shit you dont, and I am looking into getting a grant from the government but I keep thinking do I even have a chance in hell of getting one? I am so discouraged
It sucks when you want something so bad and it feels like you will never be able to get it. Its not like I want all this material stuff ( even though it would be nice) I want to go to school I want to learn shit for crying out loud and I have to pay quarter of a 100 G's to go, what bullshit. I want to cry when I walk into work everyday. I hate my job and it doesnt feel like I am ever going to get to where I want to be. Money was the worst fcuking invention ever, what a crock of shit. Have a nice day!

umm yea... college....money... life in general all sucks ass