Well I have moved from Vegas to take a job that pays more money. I am in a shitty town called Durham North Carolina right next to Duke University and UNC. This place fucking sucks. I feel like a freak in pleasant ville. I am stuck here with a bunch of hillbilly hicks, and preppy rich kids. The only way I am staying sain in because of my finacee. He is a little out there like I am. Thank god, I need some crazy fucks around to keep my ass entertained. I am sort of sick of amusing myself.
Anyways though I took some pictures to put on the website a couple of months ago and I was discused with them. I have started losing some weight well at least thats what my finacee is saying. I still feel like a damn cow, but anyways. I am smoking continuesly to stunt my appetite and taking diet pills, excersing and so on. Well I have to go look at more gorgeous naked girls so if you can excuse i'll be off in a minute!

Durham is a nice laid-back place to be. I'll see if i can figure up a list of things that we like doing around here. What sorts of stuff are you interested in hearing about? Bars? Music? Goth scene (maybe not!)?