Went out to celebrate turning 21 last night and had way to many shots of way to many different kinds of shit and
everywhere. But I woke up and took my baby pit bull to the vet to get her shots and then i have to get ready to go out again tonight. I lost my job so I am now once again unemployed isnt life grand, vegas is full of these rich assholes who hire you and spit you out when there done with you, ya know fuck working for someone else I am going to work for myself one day, I cant deal with the arragent bastards that run shit in vegas. For anyone who lives in Vegas (chics) I am still waiting to find someone I cant acually get along with. Maybe one day ill have a partner in crime that acually lives here in vegas. If anyone ever wants to go out and get carzy let me know. I bought my finacee a tattoo gun for chirstmas so he'll being doing tattoos out of the house soon but Ill let you guys know when he's up and running. I hope everyone has a great fucking saturday! Yipee!!!!!
PS is you see a tall chic stubbling all over vergas drunk tonight with a bottle in her hand that will be me so make sure to point and laugh. love you all----mowaa