Dear world,
Today, well, today I discovered something neat that I thought I had lost in a fog a while ago. It's rad, can kick major ass when needing to, and doesn't cost a dime.
I found me again, and I'm going to try very hard not to let go again. I'm a bitch to find when I lose myself.
To celebrate, Skinny Puppy tat on thursday.
(added later)
Now, when someone else finds the me that I just found, I'll be set.
In other news, this morning I was on my regular routine. Wake up, play with dogs for a couple mins, let them out, come back in and make some coffee with a dash of cinnamon. Go out, let the dogs back in, come inside to drink cup of coffee. I missed it. I don't know what made me not only miss my old routines but also not notice that I missed them, but damnit, f that. I'm debating the merits of cutting my class today and doing absolutely nothing but cleaning. Sounds tasty. Hrm.
Someone got me a couple bottles of my favorite wine the other day. I need to crack into those as well.
And one more addition. I think I know something that, if true, is going to make me not only break down and weep like crazy but will bring back my hope for humanity. We will see, however.
Today, well, today I discovered something neat that I thought I had lost in a fog a while ago. It's rad, can kick major ass when needing to, and doesn't cost a dime.
I found me again, and I'm going to try very hard not to let go again. I'm a bitch to find when I lose myself.
To celebrate, Skinny Puppy tat on thursday.
(added later)
Now, when someone else finds the me that I just found, I'll be set.
In other news, this morning I was on my regular routine. Wake up, play with dogs for a couple mins, let them out, come back in and make some coffee with a dash of cinnamon. Go out, let the dogs back in, come inside to drink cup of coffee. I missed it. I don't know what made me not only miss my old routines but also not notice that I missed them, but damnit, f that. I'm debating the merits of cutting my class today and doing absolutely nothing but cleaning. Sounds tasty. Hrm.
Someone got me a couple bottles of my favorite wine the other day. I need to crack into those as well.
And one more addition. I think I know something that, if true, is going to make me not only break down and weep like crazy but will bring back my hope for humanity. We will see, however.
Cool tat. and coolest description of a marriage EVER.