So it's time for me to post about how I feel about the profile done on me in the Chico News and Review. I will be referencing it so here is where you can find the profile
So about three weeks ago Jason Cassidy, the ARTS Editor of the Chico News and Review, hunts me down on MYSPACE and asked me if I would let them do a profile on me. Jason used to be a slam poet and he had already written about me in a story on The Suicide-Kings a few months ago. Back in June I fed him the story about Season
So I don't hear back from him for over a week and I figure it's not gonna happen. Okay, Fine.
In the meantime one of the poets at my open mic declared one night that he was the best Bullshitter in town. So I took him on that night and I think I beat him.
I thought it would be fun to have a Bullshit night and I was going to have a bullshit prize for the winner. I was thinking something like a 2005 Cadillac Windshield wiper screw. I mentioned that night that we'd have a Bullshit Night real soon and one of the people in the audience, who said she wrote for the Chico News and Review said she would like to do a piece on me and promote Bullshit night. I told her to talk to her editor Jason Cassidy.
So I talk to management here at the venue about doing Bullshit Night. They were uncomfortable with doing a show by that name and I didn't want to do a show by another name. So I told them I wouldn't promote it.
Jason calls me and tells me he has assigned a (different) reporter to cover my show and then interview me. He asks me if I want to promote Bullshit Night. I tell him we are not OFFICIALLY doing Bullshit Night.
A few days later the reporter, Christine, calls me to say that she can't come to my show until late because she has some Jazz group she plays with on Monday Nights...Wow...they assign a reporter that can't make it to the show she's gonna report on.
By the time she gets to the show, we are doing the Bullshit portion of the night, that she describes fairly accurately in the profile. HOWEVER, she has missed the bulk of the show and doesn't really understand what we do. So her story (while accurate) is skewed and misses the point.
I told her several times that Bullshit Night, didn't officially happen. She reported it anyway. She has every right to do that...but I can still be pissed off at her.
I am already catching flack from the venue: they weren't paying me to do the show they were just discounting my coffee. The profile came out thursday, on friday they took away my discount.
I am almost certainly gonna be looking for a new venue.
oh well
So about three weeks ago Jason Cassidy, the ARTS Editor of the Chico News and Review, hunts me down on MYSPACE and asked me if I would let them do a profile on me. Jason used to be a slam poet and he had already written about me in a story on The Suicide-Kings a few months ago. Back in June I fed him the story about Season
So I don't hear back from him for over a week and I figure it's not gonna happen. Okay, Fine.
In the meantime one of the poets at my open mic declared one night that he was the best Bullshitter in town. So I took him on that night and I think I beat him.
I thought it would be fun to have a Bullshit night and I was going to have a bullshit prize for the winner. I was thinking something like a 2005 Cadillac Windshield wiper screw. I mentioned that night that we'd have a Bullshit Night real soon and one of the people in the audience, who said she wrote for the Chico News and Review said she would like to do a piece on me and promote Bullshit night. I told her to talk to her editor Jason Cassidy.
So I talk to management here at the venue about doing Bullshit Night. They were uncomfortable with doing a show by that name and I didn't want to do a show by another name. So I told them I wouldn't promote it.
Jason calls me and tells me he has assigned a (different) reporter to cover my show and then interview me. He asks me if I want to promote Bullshit Night. I tell him we are not OFFICIALLY doing Bullshit Night.
A few days later the reporter, Christine, calls me to say that she can't come to my show until late because she has some Jazz group she plays with on Monday Nights...Wow...they assign a reporter that can't make it to the show she's gonna report on.
By the time she gets to the show, we are doing the Bullshit portion of the night, that she describes fairly accurately in the profile. HOWEVER, she has missed the bulk of the show and doesn't really understand what we do. So her story (while accurate) is skewed and misses the point.
I told her several times that Bullshit Night, didn't officially happen. She reported it anyway. She has every right to do that...but I can still be pissed off at her.
I am already catching flack from the venue: they weren't paying me to do the show they were just discounting my coffee. The profile came out thursday, on friday they took away my discount.
I am almost certainly gonna be looking for a new venue.
oh well
That's shitty!!! No pun intended... More of an implication.