Have you ever noticed that the vast majority of people that have bumper stickers that read something like "Proud to be an American", are people that America is not particularly proud to have
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Wednesday Jul 06, 2005
Just for the Hell of it here is a list of jobs I have had over the ye… -
Tuesday Jul 05, 2005
I try never to write about my trade (I'm a mortician), but I felt thi… -
Monday Jul 04, 2005
So the other day, I'm walking downtown with a young poet named Lor, w… -
Sunday Jul 03, 2005
After much evilness, I have returned...I have missed you all sooooooo… -
Saturday May 07, 2005
It seems to me there are far too many half or partial connections to … -
Tuesday May 03, 2005
I'm gonna be in Oakland this thursday at Tourettes without Regrets. I… -
Tuesday May 03, 2005
I have been staying in Chico, California for some months now. As many… -
Saturday Apr 30, 2005
hey...I gonna be at "Tourettes Without Regrets" in Oakland this comin… -
Tuesday Apr 26, 2005
So last night was my weekly open mic. It's just a Spoken Word night. … -
Monday Apr 25, 2005
I have been incredibly busy writing of late. I have at least 8 new id…
Your completely right about that!