Here is the American Pledge of Allegiance. I learned this in school, as did the vast majority of Americans.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
What exactly does this mean? Let's break it down
"I pledge allegiance"= I swear loyalty....
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"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
What exactly does this mean? Let's break it down
"I pledge allegiance"= I swear loyalty....
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dont talk to me you dirty old man
Breasts are a lot like puppies
They are soft and warm and friendly and fun to stroke and fondle and pet. They let you know when they are happy, and you can use them to feed small children.
They are soft and warm and friendly and fun to stroke and fondle and pet. They let you know when they are happy, and you can use them to feed small children.
So how do puppies feed little children? I don't get that part!

For the last week I have been trying to get a hold of fema. I have hoped to be able to help in NOLA et al with the removal and care of the dead, since I do have the training and I am certain that they will need help. The last estimate of dead I saw was ten thousand
I have hit walls every place...
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[Edited on Sep 10, 2005 7:13AM]
[Edited on Sep 10, 2005 7:13AM]
why is it that our govt won't let us link to our own disaster relief website???
stupid blah blah blah....
umm.. anyways, there are regional offices. I aol googled fema and they gave me a direct link, which is what I tried to give you the first time.
stupid blah blah blah....
umm.. anyways, there are regional offices. I aol googled fema and they gave me a direct link, which is what I tried to give you the first time.
I KNOW this is hardly "Look on the Bright Side"...but there sure has been a lot of great New Orleans Jazz on the radio lately
We have to find our happiness wherever we can!! I haven't been listening to stations that play jazz enough to hear those songs.
One of my coworkers said that Fats Domino was missing. That he lived in N.O. I haven't confirmed that yet.
Wait! I ran a Google search and lo & behold!:
He's been rescued!
There's some happiness for ya!!
One of my coworkers said that Fats Domino was missing. That he lived in N.O. I haven't confirmed that yet.
Wait! I ran a Google search and lo & behold!:
He's been rescued!
There's some happiness for ya!!

I got another mention in the local media this last week. This rag doesn't have a local website so I can't link it but they call me "The Animated Host" of the open mic.
Another example of the media getting their facts wrong. I am live action. I am not animated
Another example of the media getting their facts wrong. I am live action. I am not animated
i do have eductaion im just saying im very lazy when it comes to work. and i get everything handed to me on a plate
hope ur well

hope ur well

So A friend of mine (never mind who) has a pictoral in the current issue of "Big Butt" Magazine.
Do you know how hard it is to find a current issue of Big Butt Magazine in Chico, Califnornia. Sure I can find two year old issues in a pack of three (A packet o' porn) for $8.99, but a current issue seems impossible to find....
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Do you know how hard it is to find a current issue of Big Butt Magazine in Chico, Califnornia. Sure I can find two year old issues in a pack of three (A packet o' porn) for $8.99, but a current issue seems impossible to find....
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So it's time for me to post about how I feel about the profile done on me in the Chico News and Review. I will be referencing it so here is where you can find the profile
So about three weeks ago Jason Cassidy, the ARTS Editor of the Chico News and Review, hunts me down on MYSPACE and asked me if I...
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So about three weeks ago Jason Cassidy, the ARTS Editor of the Chico News and Review, hunts me down on MYSPACE and asked me if I...
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That's shitty!!! No pun intended... More of an implication. 

Here's the Profile on me in The Chico News and review
I just read it, thats great getting press well done, very cool!

There's a profile on me cooming out in tomorrow's paper.
I'll link it here
I'll link it here
Wow, I was just invited to join a very limited group in a forum on Unpop Art. I use my real name there..Kyle Bowen