So in the unlikely event that anyone is actually reading this since I am not an attractive alt girl with photo's to catch your wandering gaze, here's a quick heads up on some things,
Had an opportunity to get what is pretty much my dream job recently and then didn't even get an interview for it which, well fucking sucks frankly. So I'm still stuck at my job that I despise and surrounded by people I really don't want to be around for the most part.
My domestic situation is still the same. It's not good but unlikely to change.
Hopefully going to sort out my mental trauma as I've sorted out another counsellor, which should fit around my crappy working hours and won't financially cripple me so there's that.
Other than that due my continuous complete lack of a social life I've just been writing.A lot.
Here's a few things I've done.
Darker Sounds for Backseat Mafia
The latest one being on Ludovico Technique
Spotlight on, which focusses on a comic series also for Backseat Mafia
The latest one being on Vertigo's long running Hellblazer
I've also done a few Q & A features the latest one being with KMFDM