So it's around half one on the morning and I've just got back from Leeds and I feel like I should apologise to Mirishal, Secretary, _thunder_ and especially Prawn (who after meeting me for the first time probably thinks I'm one of the most arrogant and damaged people in the country) for being such bad company for half the night. I was looking forward to going out for the last well since I got asked if I wanted in but after working all week I was tired and a little burnt out and I've got a lot of shit on my mind and something just snapped and I was lost in my own internal monologue for half the night barely being aware of what was going on around me.
I am my own worst enemy when it comes to social engagements especially if I'm tired, like some sort of metamorphosis straight out of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde I just become distant and sullen and so wrapped up in my self-loathing and internal over analysis that I don't even see what's in front of my face and I'm sorry for that.
Secretary I love you (in a purely platonic way), you know why.
I am my own worst enemy when it comes to social engagements especially if I'm tired, like some sort of metamorphosis straight out of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde I just become distant and sullen and so wrapped up in my self-loathing and internal over analysis that I don't even see what's in front of my face and I'm sorry for that.
Secretary I love you (in a purely platonic way), you know why.
It was fine, believe me. You were fine. Stop worrying about that. Hugs. xx
After meeting you for the first time I have a very good impression of you in my mind, far from arrogant I understood that you were tired and that you still made the effort for the sake of the beautiful ladies and myself. Hope to meet you again soon my dear