I was going to let everyone know what I got up to on my week off but I was a little distracted when I found out about this Leeds Corn Exchange to become "premium dining destination". Finding out the place of many of your memories from younger days is being gutted by a faceless corporate entity to turn it into some shitty overpriced stuck up eaterie isn't exactly what you need really
. If you're on Facebook and like me think this is a bewildering display of utter stupidity on Leeds City Councils part then go here The fact the owner's have kicked everyone out just before Christmas just reeks of underhand maneuvering and is a vicious twist of the knife in my opinion. You don't go to places to visit fucking Starbucks or Gap you go there to check out things that are unique which the Corn Exchange has been doing for the last 15 or so years, I can't really see that happening when it's a fucking restaurant! So much for the spirit of independence eh. I think I'm going to go punch something.

It's now a Starbucks.
I read your last entry.
I'm confused by the disciplinary hearing. Are you saying that your employer doesn't allow people to have days off sick? That's bizarre.
You need to post more pictures of food you've made.
It all looks so delicious. I haven't had Yorkshire pudding in about 20 years. It's not very common here.
What show is Jodi Lyn O'Keefe on? I don't think I've heard of her.