So while I was in Leeds the other day searching for ideas for Chistmas presents I quite literally stumbled across the work of Steve Bloom who's stunning wildlife photography is pretty much all the evidence you need as to why we should stop destroying the earth before it's too late. Here's a few examples I though were particularly good. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

[IThe above images and over 150 others are all featured in the book Untamed

In other news I've been watching the new series of Prison Break and have to say it's a vast improvement on the rather clunky second season that just seem to fizzle out completely towards the end. I think someone must have realised that it's a bit hard to have a program called Prison Break when you don't have anyone in prison anymore
As well as impressive writing a new set of characters in a new prison is just what the show needed methinks. I have to say I have a disturbing fixation with Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, I think there's just something about a girl who can decapitate someone at a moments notice.

Also I think there's something about a girl who looks constantly pissed off about something.
In work related news I've currently got the week off from my not at all like slave labour job which means lots of pottering about the Batcave with Alfred aka my dad. Having said that I am planning on going to the cinema and hopefully going to meet up with Mistress Paine & Harleen if everything goes to plan*crosses fingers*.
In other work related news I was witness to a disciplinary hearing at my delightful employers the other week well I say hearing when I'm sure the Salem witch trials would probably have been more fair and understanding. The crime the accused is charged with, having the sheer nerve to have 3 that's right 3 count 'em absences due to illness in the last 9 months. To say the proceedings were somewhat farcical would be putting it lightly considering the whole affair was being recorded as in written down by the "prosecution" as it were 'cause that's not baised is it? so the "hearing" goes like this my manager the spineless cretin he is grabs the accused unawares and promptly tells him "it's time for your disciplinary" and marches him into the office despite knowing full well he is infact entitled by company policy to be accompanied by anybody he chooses. He chose me, upon seeing me enter the room as if from nowhere his papers get some what shuffled as though he's somewhat taken aback by my presence. From then on in it's flashback time as the opposing council start talking about things that happened in February like it was last week. At this time the personnel manager a rather horrid woman who looks like she'd pop up in reader's wives joins the proceedings and says when told that my friend the accused has doctors notes for all the absences in question "we're not questioning whether you were genuinely ill, what we are questioning is why you failed to fulfil your contractual obligations on 3 seperate occasions?" Long story short despite my throwing verbal monkey wrenches into the gears of corporate bureaucracy the outcome was this "You've been issued with a formal warning and if you have another absence in the next 12 rolling months you'll face another disciplinary hearing " So basicly what this means is if my friend god forbid gets hit by a car and breaks his legs for example and he can't go to work due to that whole lying in traction in a hospital bed trying not to die of an infection thing he's going to face another "hearing" for "failing to fulfil his contractual obligations" and they wonder why people leave.
Something else I've been doing lately is getting in the kichen more and actually making proper food 'cause my dear old dad though I love him his idea of cooking involves emptying the vegatable basket nito a big pan and boiling the shit out of it for several hours. So here's a few things I've cooked up over the last few days.

Good old fish 'n' chips, or if you're really interested Haddock fillet lightly coated in a parsley, chive & coriander batter with chunky chips and a crunchy salad.

Coriander and sage infused chicken with fried peppers on chinese style rice.

Crispy battered chicken with fluffy mashed potato, yorkshire puddings and let's not forget the gravy.
I don't think I've done bad considering I've never actually made anything fresh up 'til about a month ago.

[IThe above images and over 150 others are all featured in the book Untamed

In other news I've been watching the new series of Prison Break and have to say it's a vast improvement on the rather clunky second season that just seem to fizzle out completely towards the end. I think someone must have realised that it's a bit hard to have a program called Prison Break when you don't have anyone in prison anymore

Also I think there's something about a girl who looks constantly pissed off about something.

In work related news I've currently got the week off from my not at all like slave labour job which means lots of pottering about the Batcave with Alfred aka my dad. Having said that I am planning on going to the cinema and hopefully going to meet up with Mistress Paine & Harleen if everything goes to plan*crosses fingers*.
In other work related news I was witness to a disciplinary hearing at my delightful employers the other week well I say hearing when I'm sure the Salem witch trials would probably have been more fair and understanding. The crime the accused is charged with, having the sheer nerve to have 3 that's right 3 count 'em absences due to illness in the last 9 months. To say the proceedings were somewhat farcical would be putting it lightly considering the whole affair was being recorded as in written down by the "prosecution" as it were 'cause that's not baised is it? so the "hearing" goes like this my manager the spineless cretin he is grabs the accused unawares and promptly tells him "it's time for your disciplinary" and marches him into the office despite knowing full well he is infact entitled by company policy to be accompanied by anybody he chooses. He chose me, upon seeing me enter the room as if from nowhere his papers get some what shuffled as though he's somewhat taken aback by my presence. From then on in it's flashback time as the opposing council start talking about things that happened in February like it was last week. At this time the personnel manager a rather horrid woman who looks like she'd pop up in reader's wives joins the proceedings and says when told that my friend the accused has doctors notes for all the absences in question "we're not questioning whether you were genuinely ill, what we are questioning is why you failed to fulfil your contractual obligations on 3 seperate occasions?" Long story short despite my throwing verbal monkey wrenches into the gears of corporate bureaucracy the outcome was this "You've been issued with a formal warning and if you have another absence in the next 12 rolling months you'll face another disciplinary hearing " So basicly what this means is if my friend god forbid gets hit by a car and breaks his legs for example and he can't go to work due to that whole lying in traction in a hospital bed trying not to die of an infection thing he's going to face another "hearing" for "failing to fulfil his contractual obligations" and they wonder why people leave.

Something else I've been doing lately is getting in the kichen more and actually making proper food 'cause my dear old dad though I love him his idea of cooking involves emptying the vegatable basket nito a big pan and boiling the shit out of it for several hours. So here's a few things I've cooked up over the last few days.

Good old fish 'n' chips, or if you're really interested Haddock fillet lightly coated in a parsley, chive & coriander batter with chunky chips and a crunchy salad.

Coriander and sage infused chicken with fried peppers on chinese style rice.

Crispy battered chicken with fluffy mashed potato, yorkshire puddings and let's not forget the gravy.
I don't think I've done bad considering I've never actually made anything fresh up 'til about a month ago.
ha ha! i like living at home though.. not lookign forward to having to move out