The Week That Was.......
So I went to see The Bourne Ultimatum

I thought it was pretty damn good I have to say, Matt Damon IS Jason Bourne now. A few years ago if you said he'd be outdoing James Bond on the action and espionage front you'd probably've been told to cut down on the booze. Now though it's hard to see him any other way. Watching Bourne effortlessly outwit and run rings 'round the C.I.A. and the N.S.A, all the while making them look more incompetent than your local Jobcentre makes for highly entertaining viewing it must be said.

Just thought I'd recommend this to anyone who likes a bit of early Slayer or a bit of Testament. If you like your metal of the thrash variety you'll want to beg,borrow or steal this now I'm talking to you Sharkwaffle. They're local too from Huddersfield apparently, I have to say I've never heard of a metal band thanking Yorkshire Tea before.
So I went out in the land of Leeds with Mistress Paine and Smudge46 the other week. Fun was had for someone with distinct Lone Wolf tendencies like myself it made a nice change. The evening started out surprisingly well washing away memories of my last attempt to meet people from the land of SG. The evening started off in The Angel Inn which despite calling itself "The city's best kept secret" is always packed regardless of the time and day apparently. Where upon I'm thinking I lived up to my name of Mentalrage by venting bilious anecdotes about a variety of things including but not limited to caravan holidays ( Smudge46
), ignorant people on the tube in London, ignorant people in general my friends myriad sexual conquests and inability to keep it in his pants and the slight matter of a party I missed which apparently descended into an orgy of Roman style proportions which I'm either happy I missed or really annoyed I missed, I can't decide
. From there after finding out that Harleen wasn't going to be joining us as planned it was up to The Fenton. Where Smudge46 was entranced by the rugby on the big tv until our friend the cantankerous old wino appeared and started hurling abuse at the aforementioned rugby players then started endlessly apologising by saying "I'm shouting at them not you". By this point it was hard to concentrate on what you were actually talking about without laughing at the comedy wino. I have to respect anyone who can drink a pint of lager and a glass of white wine at the same time. At this point wino guy looked like he was going to start a fight with a bunch of metallers inthe corner so Mistress Paine suggested it might be time to vacate the premises. Next stop Mcd's for bad food and even worse people. Entertainment was provided courtesy of the obligatory drunk who was being manhandled by a lone policeman out of the place. Only to be pounced upon by several other police officers after he apparently started "resisting arrest" I believe they call it, add to that the chavs who came in with the pitbull and it was quite an entertaining night.

Mistress Paine & Smudge46 officially cool people m'kay.

Top quality Mcd's action courtesy of Smudge46

Don't take my picture says Mistress Paine , bonus background comedy from some mook.

Warning do not approach if sober.

Smudge46 is sent to procure a Mcflurry despite his protests

Mmm, BigMac goodness.
So I went to see The Bourne Ultimatum

I thought it was pretty damn good I have to say, Matt Damon IS Jason Bourne now. A few years ago if you said he'd be outdoing James Bond on the action and espionage front you'd probably've been told to cut down on the booze. Now though it's hard to see him any other way. Watching Bourne effortlessly outwit and run rings 'round the C.I.A. and the N.S.A, all the while making them look more incompetent than your local Jobcentre makes for highly entertaining viewing it must be said.

Just thought I'd recommend this to anyone who likes a bit of early Slayer or a bit of Testament. If you like your metal of the thrash variety you'll want to beg,borrow or steal this now I'm talking to you Sharkwaffle. They're local too from Huddersfield apparently, I have to say I've never heard of a metal band thanking Yorkshire Tea before.
So I went out in the land of Leeds with Mistress Paine and Smudge46 the other week. Fun was had for someone with distinct Lone Wolf tendencies like myself it made a nice change. The evening started out surprisingly well washing away memories of my last attempt to meet people from the land of SG. The evening started off in The Angel Inn which despite calling itself "The city's best kept secret" is always packed regardless of the time and day apparently. Where upon I'm thinking I lived up to my name of Mentalrage by venting bilious anecdotes about a variety of things including but not limited to caravan holidays ( Smudge46


Mistress Paine & Smudge46 officially cool people m'kay.

Top quality Mcd's action courtesy of Smudge46

Don't take my picture says Mistress Paine , bonus background comedy from some mook.

Warning do not approach if sober.

Smudge46 is sent to procure a Mcflurry despite his protests

Mmm, BigMac goodness.
Bourne does rock - my friend watched some of the London scenes being shot, which was a tad exciting!