So I'm halfway through my first week back after I had a week off and it suddenly dawned on me that very little ever seems to change in my godforsaken place of work, checkouts is haemorrhaging staff like a stabbing victim loses blood much to everyone else's amusement since there's a big notice on the propaganda board that says "Checkouts have plenty of overtime available see what shifts you can do" you can almost smell the desperation. They just got a new manager as well who apparently used to work in some tiny store somewhere that had 10 checkouts and since our place has 30 he's a little flustered to say the least.
You Just Can't Get The Staff (Literally)
Some people may remember me mentioning how we were supposed to be getting some new people for our department while I was on holiday. I went in Monday bracing myself for the new people who in my experience are usually next to useless only to be told by Dave that we didn't have anybody new, somewhat confused by this I asked what happened to the 2 new guys we were supposed to be getting only to be told and I quote "One guy came in for his induction went for his dinner and never came back and the other guy got arrested the night before his first day!" I think it's just divine intervention or something.
A Matter Of Faith
I got talking to one of my friends at work the other day and she was really torn up about something, not being the kind of guy who likes seeing my friends in a state I asked her what was wrong. she told me she was having "problems" with her boyfriend thinking that this was all she was going to tell me I just figured it was none of my business. Then she told me her "problems" were due to her boyfriend constantly giving her grief over sex since she's a christian who's planning on waiting 'til she gets married. Which considering a lot of people I know see sex as about as personal as a handshake really suprised me. I'm not a religious guy but I don't have a problem with people who are whatever religion they follow. Her boyfriend on the other hand has been going on about it constantly, nothing really gets me riled more than people that hurt my friends whether it's emotionally or physically. I can't understand why anyone would get in a relationship with someone so open about things and then start complaining after a few months.
Who's He? What's That About Then?
I bought a new load of books the other day amongst which are The Complete Chronicles Of Conan Centenary Edition by Robert E. Howard:
and The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A.Salvatore:
I started reading Conan the other day at work only to be greeted by the usual odd looks which I've now got used to and I hear the inevitable "What you reading then?" so I show someone the front of the book and I hear "what's that about then?" which I couldn't help but be suprised by I accept that the majority of people I know aren't into to the same things as me but I find it hard to believe that people have never heard of Conan The Barbarian or Robert E. Howard for that matter, just to add to the amusement of the situation I hear someone say "Is that based on that film they made?" I just think to myself do people at work ever read anything other than newspapers and heat magazine. I know Conan is pulp fiction but it's pretty much the pinnacle of the genre and defined the golden age of pulp fiction and inspired other writers like Michael Moorcock and J.R.R. Tolkien. Which brings me nicely onto R.A. Salvatore who has written a load of fantasy novels most well known being his Forgotten Realms books featuring his drow character Drizzt Do'Urden who much like Elric created by the previously mentioned Michael Moorcock is a counter stereotype a dark elf who casts off the evil ways of his people and fights for what he believes is right. I've only read half the first trilogy but I can see why his work is so well regarded by fans of the Forgotten Realms setting.
So I'm halfway through my first week back after I had a week off and it suddenly dawned on me that very little ever seems to change in my godforsaken place of work, checkouts is haemorrhaging staff like a stabbing victim loses blood much to everyone else's amusement since there's a big notice on the propaganda board that says "Checkouts have plenty of overtime available see what shifts you can do" you can almost smell the desperation. They just got a new manager as well who apparently used to work in some tiny store somewhere that had 10 checkouts and since our place has 30 he's a little flustered to say the least.
You Just Can't Get The Staff (Literally)
Some people may remember me mentioning how we were supposed to be getting some new people for our department while I was on holiday. I went in Monday bracing myself for the new people who in my experience are usually next to useless only to be told by Dave that we didn't have anybody new, somewhat confused by this I asked what happened to the 2 new guys we were supposed to be getting only to be told and I quote "One guy came in for his induction went for his dinner and never came back and the other guy got arrested the night before his first day!" I think it's just divine intervention or something.
A Matter Of Faith
I got talking to one of my friends at work the other day and she was really torn up about something, not being the kind of guy who likes seeing my friends in a state I asked her what was wrong. she told me she was having "problems" with her boyfriend thinking that this was all she was going to tell me I just figured it was none of my business. Then she told me her "problems" were due to her boyfriend constantly giving her grief over sex since she's a christian who's planning on waiting 'til she gets married. Which considering a lot of people I know see sex as about as personal as a handshake really suprised me. I'm not a religious guy but I don't have a problem with people who are whatever religion they follow. Her boyfriend on the other hand has been going on about it constantly, nothing really gets me riled more than people that hurt my friends whether it's emotionally or physically. I can't understand why anyone would get in a relationship with someone so open about things and then start complaining after a few months.
Who's He? What's That About Then?
I bought a new load of books the other day amongst which are The Complete Chronicles Of Conan Centenary Edition by Robert E. Howard:

and The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A.Salvatore:

I started reading Conan the other day at work only to be greeted by the usual odd looks which I've now got used to and I hear the inevitable "What you reading then?" so I show someone the front of the book and I hear "what's that about then?" which I couldn't help but be suprised by I accept that the majority of people I know aren't into to the same things as me but I find it hard to believe that people have never heard of Conan The Barbarian or Robert E. Howard for that matter, just to add to the amusement of the situation I hear someone say "Is that based on that film they made?" I just think to myself do people at work ever read anything other than newspapers and heat magazine. I know Conan is pulp fiction but it's pretty much the pinnacle of the genre and defined the golden age of pulp fiction and inspired other writers like Michael Moorcock and J.R.R. Tolkien. Which brings me nicely onto R.A. Salvatore who has written a load of fantasy novels most well known being his Forgotten Realms books featuring his drow character Drizzt Do'Urden who much like Elric created by the previously mentioned Michael Moorcock is a counter stereotype a dark elf who casts off the evil ways of his people and fights for what he believes is right. I've only read half the first trilogy but I can see why his work is so well regarded by fans of the Forgotten Realms setting.
no such thing in my current job though. there's always somethin to do and the also the guy i work with has a mouth that never shuts up. bit hard to read with that kinda distraction.