So that's another week out of the way, I realised a few things this week. One of them being that I'm probably the only single guy at work, which I have to say is just really funny. If I'm honest I have to say I can't really see myself witha girlfriend or in a relationship. I have a habit of looking things in a purely statistical way, the sheer improbability of finding someone you like who also likes you and happens to be single and isn't gay (long story), it all adds up to a not very likely situation especially when you factor in my social life or lack there of and the fact that I live at home (more on that later). The sheer irony of my situation is when someone says they're single particularly a guy everyone just assumes they just want sex which isn't what bothers me at all it's the lack of companionship if that's the correct term, the fact that there's no one waiting for me at home when I finish work it grinds you down sometimes, seeing everyone meet their other halves outside of work is a bit of a blow when you've had a shit day.
Dude, Where's Oscar? and other musings
So since my folks have been away all this last week it's been me and my brothers in charge of the house, which basically means me, I have to tidy up after my brothers pretty much all the time. Which isn't a good thing really since my brother wanted to know whether I'd move in with him if he got his own place. I just thought "I'm not going to play house maid" I really can't believe how willing he is to live in squalor and just assume someone else is going to clean it up. So Oscar my cat has been dissappearing for great lengths this week and turning up at 4:30 in the morning and waking me up pretty much every day this week. Which is a bit annoying so we were trying to figure out where the hell it is he hides on a night so we can shut him in the kitchen. After much scratching of heads and searching high and low, I found his new spot underneath my folks new bed
It started raining like majorly, like wrath of God cleansing the Earth style and the front garden flooded and the pond very nearly overflowed we had to take about 10 buckets of water out of it otherwise we would've had fish swimming 'round the garden. It was a bonding experience for me and my brothers at least.
Hail The New Flesh?
Apparently we're set to get someone new at work to replace Rich who is now at wakefield and Easyrider who is apparently not coming back now. New people are a pain in the ass usually it's really annoying when people can't be bothered to listen to you 'cause they think they know what they're doing when they pretty obviously don't. I just hope he's not some chav punk (there's a bizarre word combination).
New Music
new music this week includes "Christ Illusion" by Slayer
when everything seems to be going to hell at least you can rely on Slayer to provide a good soundtrack and their latest offering is no exception to the rule. Right from the blast of "Fleshstorm" to the fade out of "Supremist" this is quality stuff. A worthy follow up to "God Hates Us All"
FrontLine Assembly - Artificial Soldier
I've been a big fan of FLA for a good few years I've got about 10 albums by them and I have to say "Artificial Soldier" seems like the first "proper" FLA album in a while right down to the cover art by the always impressive Dave Mckean. Tracks like "Unleashed","Lowlife" and "Beneath The Rubble" are some of the best they've produced since "Hardwired" or "Tactical Neural Implant". You wouldn't know the same group produced "Civilisation" ( which is good in a different way altogether) back in 2004 on hearing this offering they sound so re-energised.
Chrome Division - Doomsday Rock 'n' Roll
If you like sleazy biker rock you'll love this. You could go on about how they're not reinventing the wheel musicly speaking but there aren't many bands who do. With songs like "Serial Killer", "Hate" and "Trouble With The Law" and singer Eddie Guz souding like Lemmy's long lost brother you can't help but like them.
Angelspit - Krankhaus
I don't actually have this yet but I thought I'd mention it since what I've heard is so good, thanks to Slavewire for pointing them out. If you're into techno/industrial sounds you'll love songs like "100 Percent"add that to the fact that Destroy X is damn fine looking and you've got my favourite new band of the moment.
Dude, Where's Oscar? and other musings
So since my folks have been away all this last week it's been me and my brothers in charge of the house, which basically means me, I have to tidy up after my brothers pretty much all the time. Which isn't a good thing really since my brother wanted to know whether I'd move in with him if he got his own place. I just thought "I'm not going to play house maid" I really can't believe how willing he is to live in squalor and just assume someone else is going to clean it up. So Oscar my cat has been dissappearing for great lengths this week and turning up at 4:30 in the morning and waking me up pretty much every day this week. Which is a bit annoying so we were trying to figure out where the hell it is he hides on a night so we can shut him in the kitchen. After much scratching of heads and searching high and low, I found his new spot underneath my folks new bed
It started raining like majorly, like wrath of God cleansing the Earth style and the front garden flooded and the pond very nearly overflowed we had to take about 10 buckets of water out of it otherwise we would've had fish swimming 'round the garden. It was a bonding experience for me and my brothers at least.
Hail The New Flesh?
Apparently we're set to get someone new at work to replace Rich who is now at wakefield and Easyrider who is apparently not coming back now. New people are a pain in the ass usually it's really annoying when people can't be bothered to listen to you 'cause they think they know what they're doing when they pretty obviously don't. I just hope he's not some chav punk (there's a bizarre word combination).
New Music
new music this week includes "Christ Illusion" by Slayer
when everything seems to be going to hell at least you can rely on Slayer to provide a good soundtrack and their latest offering is no exception to the rule. Right from the blast of "Fleshstorm" to the fade out of "Supremist" this is quality stuff. A worthy follow up to "God Hates Us All"
FrontLine Assembly - Artificial Soldier
I've been a big fan of FLA for a good few years I've got about 10 albums by them and I have to say "Artificial Soldier" seems like the first "proper" FLA album in a while right down to the cover art by the always impressive Dave Mckean. Tracks like "Unleashed","Lowlife" and "Beneath The Rubble" are some of the best they've produced since "Hardwired" or "Tactical Neural Implant". You wouldn't know the same group produced "Civilisation" ( which is good in a different way altogether) back in 2004 on hearing this offering they sound so re-energised.
Chrome Division - Doomsday Rock 'n' Roll
If you like sleazy biker rock you'll love this. You could go on about how they're not reinventing the wheel musicly speaking but there aren't many bands who do. With songs like "Serial Killer", "Hate" and "Trouble With The Law" and singer Eddie Guz souding like Lemmy's long lost brother you can't help but like them.
Angelspit - Krankhaus
I don't actually have this yet but I thought I'd mention it since what I've heard is so good, thanks to Slavewire for pointing them out. If you're into techno/industrial sounds you'll love songs like "100 Percent"add that to the fact that Destroy X is damn fine looking and you've got my favourite new band of the moment.
personally i tend to go in all guns blazing, but my bark is generally worse than my bite. i'm a kitten really.
hmm... yes that is very strange! we could always delete each other and try it again, i suppose. weirdness